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"Come on Cal. Surely you can do better than this."

The two fought for what seemed like ages.

"Surely, the new Khonsu can do better than this."

Hit in the side of the head, and kicked in the stomach. This fight was not fair. Khonsu had a weapon. A sharp blade forged from blood of kings he killed and cold steel. Its end able to cut rifts between the real world and the Corridor of Time.

"Can't he?"

Slammed into the floor, not able to get up again before Khonsu knocks him down once more.

"Can't he Cal?!"

With every word spilled from Khonsu's mouth, he only grew more aggressive. Khonsu lost interest in just fighting long ago. Now, all he has done was brutally murder Cal. Just to revive him, tell him the same things, and kill him all over again.

"Surely, the new Khonsu, the one everybody adores, can do better than this!"

Cal could do nothing. He never stood a chance. Every other time this has happened, he never stood a chance. This fight was the 200 mark. He would die by Khonsu's hand again.

"You really are worthless, aren't you? How can some pitiful child like you be MY reincarnation?! How can someone as disappointing as you, be put in the spotlight?! How are you able to take my place? You shut me out. They all shut me out."

Cal could only stand there, barely upright, waiting for Khonsu to kill him again. Waiting for his blade to cut his neck, or impale his heart.

But it never did.

Khonsu had his back turned. He was walking away, out of the Temple built to worship him and his parents.

Cal was standing straight now. Still covered in gaping wounds and cuts from Khonsu's blade. But he could not move off of the platform he fell on. As if something was holding him in place.

Khonsu had his back turned. His back was turned, and he was leaving. He no longer stood in the vast and empty room they were fighting in. Only Cal remained there. Unable to leave.

Instead, Khonsu stood in the entryway to the room, his back still turned, blade in hand. A gate of pure energy forming in the entryway, words inscribed on it.

That gate was closing. It was closing and Cal couldn't get off the platform. It wasn't even a platform. It was a pedestal.

He reached his hand out in a desperate attempt. Though he knew it was already too late for him to escape. Futile.

Khonsu turned his head only once, glaring back at Cal. What was visible of his face was twisted with hatred and disgust.

The gate closed. Covering the entire entryway.


"So now I'll shut you out from the world."


Words: 445

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