Open The Gate (Chapter 4)

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"I haven't properly stretched my legs in years! I really do thank you for freeing m-"

"Shut up Set."

"Not talking wasn't mentioned in the agreement."

"Shut up."

"You're such a rude grandson."

"Xylo can you get him to shut up?"


The hall of the temple seemed duller than before. More abandoned, even. Xylo couldn't even walk without kicking up dust from the floor.

Set clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction as he trailed behind Inpu.

"Is this really what this place has come to? Ah...what a shame. It used to be so extravagant too." Set said.

Ricarro looked up at him in confusion.

"You've been here before?" He asked.

Set glanced at his son before looking back up ahead. Nodding his head and humming a "yes."

"I used to come here quite often actually. When Khonsu and I were still on good terms. I would visit him here and we would chat mindlessly about whatever we felt like." Set brought up. He sounded happy. Which of course, was unsettling for everyone else.

"Not anymore of course. The only time I wish to speak with Khonsu now is to inform him that I'm going to kill him for good, put his head on a stick, and parade it around all of Egypt."

That was the end of the discussion. It remained silent for the rest of the walk down the hall. Xylo had his hand ready to pull out his sword if anything went awry. While Inpu and Ricarro kept glancing at Set every so often in distrust. Though one of their gazes held more hatred than the other. (Ahem, Inpu.)

As the four approached the room that used to belong to Khonsu, the gate showed itself once more for them.

Set grimaced after reading the words, and he shook his head. His arms now crossed over his chest.

"This is the work of Khonsu. Only he is able to create gates like these." Set informed.

"The gates Khonsu creates are built off negative emotion and raw power. However, even if he is the only God to create gates like this, it does not mean he is the only God who can break it."

Set blinked, his eyes now giving off a faint glow. He approached the gate, and put a hand to it. He started muttering something in an old Egyptian language, before the gate began to crack. Starting from the area his hand touched, slowly spreading throughout the rest of the barrier. A few moments later, it caved in and disappeared. Set lowered his hand down to his side as he walked into the room.

It had not changed since they were last here. It remained empty, save for the statue, and it was coated in dust and barely lit.

Set stopped, looking at the statue on the eroding pedestal. The hand outstretched towards the doorway. The eyes closed in inevitable defeat.

"You broke the gate. Now can you fix this?" Inpu questioned. His hands were crossed, and his eyes were narrowed. His tails also laid lower to the ground. As if their weight was too much to bear holding up.

"You can, right? Because if you can't, we still have the mirror!" Ricarro chimed in. He even pulled the Mirror of Amaterasu out of his pocket as proof.

Xylo stood close to Set. He wasn't raising his hopes too high. At least, he wasn't trying to. But deep down, something hurt. Not physically, but his heart felt heavy. Just looking at the statue caused too many memories to surface. All of them were of Cal.

Xylo couldn't help but remember the soft smile he constantly kept on his face.

The sound of his voice as he spoke. The way it echoed in Xylo's head after every word.

The way he turned his head away when he was embarrassed.

The bandages on his arms that he would constantly fiddle with when he was nervous.

His eyes. A soft and pure shade of teal. The way the light would hit them, almost making it seem like they were glowing. They reminded Xylo of beryl.

But when Xylo looks at this statue. He sees none of that.

Xylo can only see the outstretched hand. Looking as if it were falling back down to his side in defeat as it turned to stone.

Xylo only sees closed eyes. There is no bright color. No light. Nothing but sorrow.

There was no smile. Just a faint line, showing nothing but agony.

He was barely even standing upright. As if he were going to collapse. And nobody would be there to catch him before he fell.

It was too much. The statue only reminded him of wine. It feels good to drink, but once you swallow it, it leaves a bad aftertaste in your mouth.

Xylo had to look away. He couldn't bear to see it any longer.

Set kneeled down, and placed a hand on the pedestal.

And it began to break.


A teardrop hit the floor.


Yeah. Set is good in this. He hates Khonsu enough to stay on the good side of the spectrum, if you couldn't tell.

Poor Ricarro though. I want to keep him in here but I keep forgetting about him because he has nothing to say-

Next chapter, we finally see Cal! But is he the Cal we all know and love? Will Xylo see the Cal he once knew? Is Set going to give Cal traumatic flashbacks the second he sees him? (Probably) Guess you'll find out!

Words: 880

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