The Statue (Chapter 2)

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The group stared at the sight before them. The entire room was dark aside from the 4 torches in the corners of the vast room. The floor was cracked and dented in some places, same with the walls. Dust was present too. Yet the statue seemed untouched by the mess.

Lychee took a breath.

"Ok, why is there a statue of! Out of all places! This doesn't seem like a good spot to throw a statue of someone who disappeared in!" He exclaimed.

Xylo walked up to the statue and put a hand on it. Normally, a statue is bigger than the average person. But this statue was about as tall as Xylo, maybe a little shorter. And why was it posed like this?

Xylo took his hand off the statue, and turned to follow the direction the hand of the statue was facing. It was like the statue was reaching for something. Xylo thought for a moment, before narrowing down on the spot the hand reached for.

The entryway.

"I know this person. I know I do because I still have every memory of him. But I can't remember his name! It's like it was blurred out in every memory!" Inpu stated. He had a hand to his head, clearly confused.

Momiji stood from the area near the entryway, where she was sitting with Ricarro. Trying to process what they all see before them.

"I sense a presence. There's an aura here. Albeit it's not very strong. You would hardly be able to tell it's here if you weren't looking for it." Momiji said. Her fox ears were drooped. Like she was upset.

"I don't think this is just a statue." She continues.

Everyone stared at her. Momiji was right. Who would build a statue of him? Especially in the Temple of Karnak?

"I think this is a person. I think it's the son of Khonsu."


They were all back at camp in the library before the next day. Books upon books piling themselves on the floor and on tables. But there was nothing there that would even come close to helping. So they moved to the library in the Egyptian Underworld. Well, not all of them. Momiji and Ricarro stayed at the library in camp, same with Lychee. While Nad and his most definitely infinite chip bag searched Nordic libraries, and the realms accessed from Yggdrasil.

This left only Inpu and Xylo to search the Egyptian Underworld's library. During the hours spent there, Inpu even resorted to going to talk to his dad. That went pretty well actually, but even Anubis knew nothing that would help.

Xylo sat there, flipping page after page, book after book. Anything. Anything at all that might have the answer they need. Some way to free someone from stone.

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks. Weeks to months.

3 months, and they finally found something.


Sorry this took so long! It's pretty short, but it's supposed to be. Nothing much was supposed to happen this chapter aside from the group figuring out the statue was Cal, and them doing research. Which is really boring, so I'm not writing it. I'm not writing 3 months of research. Nobody wants to do that.

Anyways, more stuff will happen next chapter!

Words: 531

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