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AUTHORS NOTE: Don't forget to fan, vote, and follow! Thank you guys for all the reads. I never expected this! I love you all. Follow me on twitter, lovelies. xx @michaelalove05


Chapter 5:


It was finally here. This had been a crazy couple months. We recorded an album and now we were going on tour. Tour. For all my life I've wanted to perform. I even wanted to be in musical theatre for a while. But now, all these dreams were coming true. It was the first of September and on the fifth, we would play our first show here in Arlington. I'm glad our first show was here. I wouldn't ever want it to be anywhere else. This was the place of my roots. I had met Scott and Mitch here. Pentatonix had started here. And I had met Jacob here.

Jacob has been my best friend since preschool. Our moms were college roommates and have been best friends ever since. He's been there for me when no one else has. Honestly, I don't know if I could have made it through high school without him and Scott. Mitch was a year younger than us, so he couldn't be there for me as much as they could, but I was still very thankful for them. Today was the first day I was going to get to see Jacob since I got back from The Sing Off. He had been in New York pursuing his career on Broadway and he was finally moving back to Arlington after he was finished performing Newsies. I couldn't wait to see him and tell him how proud I was of him. We could finally exchange stories about New York and LA.

"Kirstin?" I heard a voice say behind me.

"Yes?" I answered my mother.

"I just got a call from Ben. You need to find some outfits for tour today," she told me.

"Today?" I disappointedly inquired.

"Yes. Today," she answered sternly.

"Mom, today's the day Jacob's coming back into town. We had plans," I explained.

"Well make him go with you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind shopping. He'd probably prefer that to not seeing you."

She had a point. "Fine, whatever. But he's coming over for dinner," I replied.

"Alright, sweetie. Have fun," she responded as she walked out the door. I picked up my phone to text Jacob, telling him that the plans were changing, when I saw a text.

Matt: Morning, babe. :)

I had met Matt on The Sing Off. He was a part of The Yellowjackets and we had become pretty close. He asked me to be his girlfriend the night that they got kicked off. I immediately responded yes. I really liked him and I was blessed to be his girlfriend, even though we didn't get to see each other 24/7. I quickly responded and texted Jacob. I really didn't feel like finding tour outfits today, but I knew it was my last chance. Oh well.


Finally. I was home. My plane had just landed and I wheeled my carry-on suitcase into the familiar airport. I heard my phone buzz as I shuffled towards baggage claim.

Kirstie: Hey, so I have to buy tour outfits today. Wanna come shopping with me? If not you can just come over for dinner later. :)

Shopping was definitely not what I had in mind, but it was time with Kirstie. I was going to take it.

Jacob: Sure! Can't wait to see you!

I responded and put my phone back in my pocket. I grabbed my suitcase as I saw it come around the carousel. I was just getting everything prepared to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to a hug, more like a tackle, from none other than the guy who was basically my brother.

"Mitch!" I exclaimed as I hugged him back. I haven't seen him in years. I was so excited to be home. Even though New York is fun, Arlington will always have a place in my heart. I didn't see that in high school. I spent my whole life thinking that I didn't belong here. My home was in New York. But, home is where the heart is. And that place was Arlington with my family and my best friends.

"Tell me everything about New York! We only have until I drop you off at Kirstie's. She's taking you captive for the rest of the day," Mitch told me and I chuckled. I proceeded to tell him everything about New York: school, Newsies, everything on the way to Kirstie's house. Finally, we arrived at the suburban brick house that I knew so well.

"It was great to see you, Jacob. Hopefully I can see you again before tour starts!" Mitch told me as I exited the car.

"Yeah! Definitely. Thanks, Mitch. See ya later!" I replied as I shut the door. I walked up to the red door and rang the doorbell. Nervousness shot through my veins and I stood there confused. Why was I nervous? This is Kirstie. We're best friends and I practically live in this house. Then, the door opened and I was reminded why.

God, she was beautiful.

"Jacob!" she squealed leaping into my arms.

I stammered, "H..Hi Kirstie!" I stroked her dark hair as she buried herself into the deep hug. It felt so right to hold her small body close to mine. She pulled away and her smile shined brighter than any spotlight I have ever seen. I was speechless.

"Ready to go?" she asked me.

"Uh.. Yeah!" I said, suddenly forgetting how to speak.

We hopped into Kirstie's car. Really, I couldn't care less for shopping, but it was time with Kirstie.

"So, tell me about New York!" she exclaimed as we pulled into the parking lot of the first shop.

"It's truly amazing up there. You would love it. Everyone I come into contact with is obsessed with musical theatre. They understand me! You know like when we were sophomores and we were obsessed with Les Miserables? Imagine everyone being like us all the time about every musical. It's amazing!" I told her and she chuckled. Her laugh was so adorable. I could honestly listen to it all day. We walked into the store and I continued, "But it is a dog eat dog world. The competition is tough. I was so happy to land that role in Newsies, just because I'm so new. It's still so surreal to me! Anyways, enough about me, tell me everything about Pentatonix. Starting from the sing off. And don't tell me the obvious things, of course I watched you every episode and of course I watched every YouTube video and of course I was the first one to pre-order the album," I told her. She laughed again as we walked through the aisles of clothing racks and she looked for her outfits.

She began by telling me about how excited she was for tour. Then the making of the album and how they came up with the originals and the arrangements. She told me embarrassing stories about Mitch, she told me about Kevin and Avi and what they're like, and all the stupid things Scott's done.

"The Sing Off was seriously the most amazing experience for me. I learned so much, I met SARA BAREILLES, SHAWN STOCKMAN, AND BEN FOLDS! ahem," she cleared her throat after she got excited. I loved it when she got excited about things. She was so passionate about her music and that was one reason we were such good friends... Friends. She continued to tell me about how hard it was to stay healthy and how much stress it put on her. It really wasn't everything the TV made it out to be.

"But," she told me, "I did get to meet some amazing people. And I know that I made some lifelong friends in the other groups and stuff. I miss them so much already! Especially Matt."

"Matt?" I asked.

"Yeah! My boyfriend," she said as she whipped a couple dresses off of the rack and headed towards the dressing room.

And with those words my heart sunk.

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