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The next morning, Lucien and François had taken off the supplies and lanterns from the farm cart. As both men walked while carrying the items, they entered inside the farmhouse and placed them on the table. Yvonne inspected the supplies that the RAF had dropped them from last night.
"These supplies will prove to be quite helpful!" she commented, before she looked towards Sigurd. "Although, it seems that we have quite the abundance."
"It is advised that you share the supplies with other members the Resistance." Sigurd suggested. "With each day, more members continue to join and it is imperative that we supply them with the necessities."
Yvonne had detected a kit designated for fog signals as one of the many supplies on the table. She looked fondly upon the device she used to sabotage the Germans. Peering over the other supplies. she saw firearms, ammunition, food, and medical supplies.
"We thank you for this." Yvonne inquired. "We will be sure to share these supplies and use them to fight against the Germans."
Sigurd nodded. "It may be a possibility that I will return here again."
The agent turned to look at the other farmers. "In the case that this location is jeopardized, what signal would indicate the security of this farmhouse?"
"The bicycles." Lucien stated. "If they are to be upright, this place is secure. The contrary would mean the jeopardy of the farmhouse's security."
Sigurd nodded once again, acknowledging the information. The agent took a step towards the entrance of the farmhouse.
"I will see you later." he spoke as he waved back before exiting the building.
The agent left through the door and approached his bicycle. Turning on the headlight, he got on and began to bike towards his next destination.

Eventually, Drystan and the other two Resistance fighters had arrived at the city of Bordeaux. Once they had arrived at the city, they had diverted paths- intending to ultimately meet up at a hotel owned by a Resistance fighter. Gretilde continued to accelerate her bike through pushing the pedals with her feet. As she advanced further, the sunlight continually shone upon her- engulfing her in its warmth. The pleasant temperature had evoked sentiments of reminiscent memories within her.
The sounds of a bustling city had been silenced in her mind. She instead thought of the tranquil past when her mother had still possessed all her warmness. Soon, that same comfort and same peace would come back.
She knew she could never return to the warmth of a maternal figure. She could not hold her hand and see if it was cold. It had devastated her mother and prevented her from ever seeing her mother in her last moments.

"Papa, where is Mama?" she had asked.
His eyes akin to hers had looked at her. His face was one of sorrow and pain, but he attempted to hide it- although she could tell. He approached her and kneeled down to face her directly. He took his daughter into his arms and grasped her tightly.
"Papa?" she looked at him with confusion.
"Mama is," he paused, as it was difficult to control his own emotions. "Mama is no longer here. She has passed."
"Mama won't be coming back?"
Gretilde began to feel her tears begin to well up in her eyes. Her throat began to feel sore when attempting to hold back her tears while her father looked down on the ground. However, he had regained his composure the best he could and walked towards her.
"Listen Gretilde," he necessitated as he grabbed her by the shoulders and stared directly at her eyes. "You will live. No matter what happens to me, you will continue on living."
"Mama would want you to live, Gretilde." he stated as his voice began to break before he embraced his daughter. "Please, live- no matter what. Please."
"I will, Papa. I will." she promised as she continued sobbing in his embrace.
She and her father tightly grasped each other's embrace, desperate to not let go- as they only had each other left in their family. Gretilde swore with the life she had chose to live; that she would fight to take back the tranquility she had once lived in.

Soon, she had stopped her peddling and arrived in front of the hotel. She got off the seat from her bike and took her bike by its handles. Gretilde moved it where it leaned against the wall before she entered inside. The Resistance fighter approached the man behind the reception desk and informed him of her code name. Upon hearing this, he had given her the keys to her hotel room.
"May I ask which room that Eloise resides in?" she asked.
"She's in room 13." he responded.
"Thank you." she stated before she left his presence.
Walking into the hallway, she inspected the various numbers placed upon each door. Soon, she had found the number 13 upon one of the many doors. She naturally knocked- her knocking being immediately responded to by the door opening. The eye of the agent stared at her through the opened crevice between the door and the wall. Once she had recognized Gretilde, she opened the door to where the Resistance fighter could enter.
Gretilde entered inside the room while Eloise had closed the door behind her. Drystan, Fred, and Helmut could be seen seated by a table. Gretilde put her hotel keys into her pocket and approached the table where her associates sat.
"I believe that you had an altercation with German soldiers along with Drystan and Helmut." Eloise stated as she looked at her.
"Yes, that is true." Gretilde responded, feeling somewhat intimidated by Eloise's serious articulation.
"Since that is the case, you should get your bandages changed by Drystan as we discuss the next phase of our mission." the agent suggested.
Gretilde nodded she looked towards Drystan. The agent got up from his chair and advanced towards her. Eloise returned to sit by the table while the other two had situated themselves on the couch. Gretilde took off her scarf that was initially wrapped around her neck while the mute agent began unbuttoning the upper buttons of her blouse.
"At the very least, you three were able to survive." Eloise stated. "However, this may indicate that the Germans may have detected your movements towards the Spanish border if they were able to find the safehouse."
Drystan put on a new pair of gloves before beginning to unwrap Gretilde's bandages.
"Those Germans seemed to be patrolling officers. Perhaps, we had the misfortune of them finding our location." Helmut pointed out.
Eloise took his judgment into consideration. "That could be possible. However, on how they found your location- seems to be too precise."
The agent opened his suitcase before taking out the necessary materials.
"As long as we move fast, the Germans will fail to catch us again." Helmut spoke with optimism. "Nonetheless, we are nearing the end of our mission to transport Fred. As soon as we finish, we will be sure to stay low to avoid the risk of the Germans discovering us."
"You are correct in that regard." Eloise agreed. "At the very least, the Germans have not discovered any of our identities."
Once Drystan was finished treating Gretilde's wounds, he opened a pack of first aid dressing.
Eloise looked towards Fred- a lonesome expression apparent on his face. The agent switched to speaking in English to relay information vital to his transport.
"Once we have arrived at Saint-Jean-de-Luz, we will pass you over to Ciro- as he specializes on guiding fallen airmen through Spain." she stated. "He will prevent you from being captured by Spanish police and will take you to Gibraltar before you will be flown back to America."
Drystan had finished changing Gretilde's bandages and got up from the couch. The Resistance fighter began buttoning up her blouse before wrapping her scarf around her neck. The agent closed his suitcase and disposed of the used material (including his gloves) into the bin. Drystan proceeded to wear his original pair of gloves once again. Eloise turned her head to look towards him.
"Drystan, this time- you and I will accompany Fred on the train. Your expertise may be needed if we are in a dire situation." Eloise spoke.
Drystan nodded with hesitance.
Helmut and Gretilde looked at each other as they assumed that they would have to continue to bike towards their next destination. Their feet ached often and biking further would be much to their dismay.
"Fortunately, you two will take the train after us." Eloise stated. "You will continue to harm your physical condition if you continue to bike to Saint-Jean-de-Luz. That would be far from ideal- as we need all of you to be in a healthy condition."
Gretilde and Helmut were delighted to see that they would no longer need to strain their feet and legs any further.
"I advise all of you to get some rest as we will finish our objective within the next day." Eloise recommended as she gave all of them a quaint smile.
Drystan and the Resistance fighters nodded in response before they proceeded to leave Eloise's room. As the agent watched them leave her room, she observed that Fred was still sitting down by the table. She gave him the same advice that had spoken a few seconds ago in English. Upon hearing this, Fred had got up from his chair.
Eloise had observed the forlorness that she had seen- evident upon his features.
"Are you glad to be returning to America?"
Fred looked back at her. "I'll end up in the same position as before- fighting either against the Germans or the Japanese."
"Perhaps, you will have time to see your family."
"Maybe I will, I would be very happy to see them."
"That's very good. When the War finally ends, you will have people to return to."
"Won't you return to your family as well?"
Eloise looked upon her table. "It may be difficult to locate them. Much of my immediate family has been captured by the Germans in France."
"I am sorry to hear that. I do hope that you will find them."
"I hope that will be the reality once the War has ended. That is why I will continue fighting to bring us closer to victory." she stated with the utmost conviction before giving the airman an amicable smile. "Please do enjoy the company you will have with your family. I am sure that they miss you as much as you do."
"Thank you. Eloise." Fred responded with a smile of his own before he left her room- more inclined to believe that he would return back to his family with the message of victory.

The Resistance fighter known as Helmut stared at himself in the mirror before looking at his Sten gun. As he took his firearm from the table it originally laid upon, he began to unassemble it into its parts and mechanisms.

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