Chapter 4: Change

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Frisk Pov

As we all had fun, it was becoming late quickly.
It is the weekend now, and thankfully (Y/n)'s and Angel's parents allowed them to stay until they are over.
It will be hard without them, for sure.
The three of us went to our place and prepared to sleep.


I suddenly woke up, I had a bad feeling.
I saw (Y/n) and Angel beside me, sleeping.
I decided to check outside, and as I opened the door, dusty air came through.
I peeked outside, only to see trails of dust.
"Is.. is she here? There's no way she left the underground, she has no power here!",
I thought to myself, refusing to believe she came here.
I closed the door, I started freaking out, should I RESET?
As I turned around, I froze.
(Y/n) and Angel were awakened, looking at me.
Not even blinking, just staring, with a judging look.
"It's your fault, isn't it?" They both said simultaneously.
"You killed them, didn't you?" They continued.
Tears started falling from my eyes, as I tried to protect myself.
"N-no! it's-it's not my fault... IT'S NOT MY FAULT"
Behind them, a figure appeared.
The demon.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! LEAVE ME ALONE", I screamed in agony.
The demon just appeared in Infront of me and spoke.
"You must have misunderstood"


I woke up (this time for real), this time too all sweaty and terrified.
Yet, glad it was just a dream.
(Y/n) woke up, my heavy breathing was this loud.
"Frisk.. you are good?"
"Yeah.. just had some nightmare, nothing serious."
"Was it.. about her?", I completely forgot by now that I told (Y/n) about her, before my breakdown, I guess I didn't tell him much about her either.
"Y-yes, it was about her."
"Could you tell me a bit about her?
I can't help you if you keep it all to yourself Frisk..", I hesitated, not to talk terrified to say her name, or risk (Y/n) going after her. But I don't think I can hide it from him any longer, not now that the dreams involve him too.
I stood up and pointed to him in the other room, so we could speak in privacy and let Angel sleep.

"You.. can't really say her name, she comes when you say it.. but.. I think it will be fine.
..her name is.. C-Chara..", I said quietly as possible, Just as I said that name, I felt a spark of determination from afar.
I'm afraid I just woke up the sleeping giant.
"She's the first human to fall in the underground, she died decades ago, but somehow, when I fell, I awoke her. At first, only I could see her, and she was no threat.
But as things happen, she got a soul. And now she is walking free in the underground. She refuses to leave, she doesn't believe the surface is her place to be, and her powers would be decreased massively if she would leave, yet she still hunts me."

"Is she evil?", he asked.
"She is a demon. She is very dangerous, (Y/n).
But her being in the underground is not our problem.
Our problem is that humans want to make use of the CORE, which means.."
"..People will have to maintain the underground, there will be regular human activity in there.." (Y/n) continued me.

"What can we do?"
"I.. don't know, (Y/n).
We have to wait."
"And what about your nightmares? You can't just let it continue Frisk!"
"There's not much that can be done, (Y/n)."
"...", He seems rather disappointed.
As silence filled the room.
"(Y/n), no. I told you about her because I trust you, I don't want you to get involved with her, she is there, and when humans go there, they will deal with her, not us.", I replied with a serious look.
I quickly laughed it off after looking at his worried face, "Haha, don't worry (Y/n), I'll be fine! I promise you, okay?", he only nodded.

... Timeskip to 2 weeks later

(Y/n) Pov

It's been two weeks since Frisk came back, progress in integrating monsters is good, Frisk moved to a new house in the neighborhood with Toriel and Asgore.
It clearly upset Angel as she hoped she would come back and live with her, but they weren't too far apart so she didn't take it too hard.
After Angel and I came back home from Frisk, we both go to school, and Frisk joined us a week later too!
She came so excited, people asked her a lot of questions which she loved to answer, some people.. didn't like what she has done, but it didn't bother her. some monsters started to show up in our school too, and Toriel even became a teacher!
It was all going so well, but as the days went on, Frisk's attitude started to shift... 
She grew colder, she seemed more tired, dark circles became more noticeable under her eyes and she was more aggressive and annoyed easily. 

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