Chapter 14: Get The Facts Right

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(Y/n) Pov

I woke up to the sunlight stream through the curtains, I wanted to get up but noticed Chara resting her head on my chest, and hugging me.
I blushed seeing that, while it was not the first time I was sleeping in a bed next to Chara, it was the first time we.. cuddled, even though it was unintentional.

It was.. nice, and warm. made me want to stay that way forever.

She seemed restless, moving quite a bit, even shaking slightly. Trying not to disturb her, I shifted into a half-laying, half-sitting position and placed my arm on her back, hoping to calm her.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes, breathing heavily, and looked at me in confusion. Realizing how close we were, she turned bright red and quickly moved into a sitting position. "I-I'm sorry, I'm usually not a sticky person, I—"

I chuckled a bit, reassuring her, "Chara, it's all right, I'm not judging.
Had any bad dreams?"

Her expression softened, "Yeah.. this soul is affecting me so much. I.. feel stuff I haven't felt in so long... And that includes some bad feelings, like.. fear."

"Fear..? Of what?"

"Of..", her eyes welled up, "losing you, I guess."

Before I could respond, she continued, "I know how much you care about Frisk, and.. this soul... it's hers after all. But I don't want to lose it. I don't want to lose my ability to feel again! I don't want this hatred back, and I don't want to lose you.."

"Chara.." I hugged her tightly. "You don't need to lose anything, not anymore. We will think about something for Frisk, there HAS to be a solution for this. But that's so much ahead, we got a lot to deal with right now. But no matter what, we will do it together, Chara."

She hugged me back, tightly as well.
"Couldn't ask it to be any different."

It seems Chara likes long hugs, or maybe she thinks I do and simply allows it.
I guess I shouldn't be overthinking this.

We broke the hug, she was still blushing.
"Want to go and make some breakfast?", I suggested.

"Sure, I'm starving."

We headed to the kitchen, my parents left for work so Chara didn't need to hide.
and, my grades are good enough so my parents won't give me a hard time for not going to school from time to time.
I checked my phone and saw Angel hadn't been online since yesterday, so I assumed she was still sleeping.
I should ask her later if she wants to come over, I don't want her to feel alone.

I prepared some eggs, salad, and tea for both of us. "Here you go, Princess Dreemurr.", I joked.

She chuckled, "Why, thank you."

Seated across from Chara.
"Say, you wouldn't mind if I invite Angel later, right? I.. feel kinda bad for leaving her like that yesterday."

"Sure, I guess, it's your house after all.
I just want us to figure things out, before that."

"For sure, Chara. you.. you are okay with watching her speech today, right?"

"I-I guess.. we need to know what kind of lies she is selling everyone."

"Yeah, exactly.
..aside from that, we should probably get you a phone, I can't stay home forever and you can't really come to school with me."

"a phone? where you are going to get one from exactly?"

"I got some money, you shouldn't worry about that."

"W- of course I should! I'm not going to let you just BUY me a phone. I will get a phone when I can EARN it."

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