Chapter 13: Calm before the storm

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(written at 01/01/2024)
Hey everyone, Just wanted to say a huge thank you for the support this book been getting, I just noticed its been a year since I started this, time moves too fast.
Sadly, updates will still take a long time, as Im starting a job and still in 12th grade, plus I got other side-projects on my head to work on.
I hope I can finish this book this year, but knowing myself, I might not even finish the second part of this book in a year.

Anyways, have fun, and happy new year.

3/1 update
Holy damn we are #2 in Chara, I remember yesterday it was also #1 in Frisk, never expected this to blow up like this, thanks everyone.
Story related update, In the last few days I planned the main storyline for this part (in points), starting this book I only had the very basic storyline planned out for the entire book, now I got a complete plot for this part. I feel really good about it and hope you will enjoy it.

Now that we enter a new part, I want to make sure everyone on the same page.
Just to clear things up, the voice Frisk hears isnt the real Chara (I hope it was clear enough), but a product of the Hate FROM Chara, as she explained to you (Y/n).

This chapter contains self harm.

(Y/n) Pov

I made it home as fast as possible, what is even going on..
Did Frisk had anything to do with this? Agh, I just hope Chara is alright.
I feel kind of bad about leaving Angel there, I..
I don't really have an excuse, do I?
I just want to make sure Chara is okay, the president posted a statement about her being murderer! this kind of stuff don't just happen every day.

When I arrived I heard my parents inside, I assume Chara is hanging in my room, maybe she didn't hear the news?

I entered the home and greeted my parents, they seem to not notice theres a ghost in the house. 

Soon I figured Chara did, in fact, hear the news. I entered my room and saw Chara on my bed, sobbing, hiding her face in her knees.

Seems like she sensed me enter the room and quickly raised her head.

"H-hey, (Y/n).", she quickly wiped her tears, trying to not look me in the eyes.

I went to comfort her, and sat on the bed next to her, putting my arm around her.

"I.. guess you heard the news..."

"Ha, no kidding..
Had fun with Frisk?", her voice broke.

"I thought.. she really wanted to make amends.. but there's just no way she wasn't involved in this!, she just left right after the news dropped too.."

"What did I do to deserve this? what are we going to do? Not only are everyone going to know me now, and I already sensed people calling my name the entire night, they will think I'm some crazy murderous demon.. just like what she made me into.. ", her eyes became wetter.

"I know it doesn't matter much right now, but I will never see you as a demon, Chara, you are amazing"

She giggled, "You are so cheesy.. and just so you know, it does matter much, in fact, it matters the most..", she slowly calmed down and rested her head on my shoulder as I lean on the back of the bed.

"I can't believe she tried to make me unable to visit you, I didn't expect her to go that low.."

"It's Frisk. She was determined to make you stop, I'm not that surprised."

"Wait, I just realised, if you weren't the one that killed people in the underground, who did?"

"Probably Flowey? Frisk wouldn't be able to fight armed people by herself without loading."

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