Chapter 16: Stay Determined..?

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Yes.. I know my chapter naming abilities are the same level as Asgore's naming abilities.
Frisk Pov - a bit before

it.. can't be over yet.

I thought to myself as I entered the room, I jumped in place when I saw Sans inside, sitting on my desk chair.

"S-sans? What are you doing here?"

"Ha, well kid, good news is that Asgore won't be seeing Chara."

"W-what? Why? You were listening this entire time?"

"You could say. and.. for the why.. That's the bad news.", he looked me dead in the eyes, in silence.

No.. he can't mean that-

"THATS IMPOSSIBLE! we.. we took care of that!"

"I'm sorry kid. I had to make sure of that, and thats why I searched the entire underground, and all I found was that flower, which told me that.. yesterday she left with Y/n.. right before..", he looked down, in shame.

My body started to tremble, "That means.. it was her I was sensing back then...", my breath grew heavy with each second that passed.

"I  t o l d  y o u  i ' d  w i n", I heard a whisper in my ear.

*crack*, my chest clenched, as I felt sudden pain, I closed my eyes.
"Stay.. determained..", I mumbled to myself 

"You.. okay kid?", Sans questioned.

"No.. nothing is okay Sans..
Earlier today, I saw Y/n on the street, and we 'had a talk', about her.. and I sensed a very familiar sensation, and it was really, really pissed off."

"And she didn't attack?"

"I'm still alive, so.."

"What is she planning? Can't that kid see how she uses him?"

"We need to deal with her", he continued.

"You can't!", I fell on the bed, with hands covering my face.

"You can't kill her..", I whimpered.

"What? Why?"

"Because she.. has my soul."


I started to break down, I can't hide this anymore.

"I'm sorry, the real reason I told you we can't load back if something goes wrong, is because I CAN'T load. I lost the control over the timeline!"

"So.. you can't reset anymore..?"


"And.. does it that mean she controls the timeline..?"

"N-no.. despite her owning my soul, I'm still in.. partial control. I can save, but can't access these saves, I can't alter the timeline against her will."

"How. How did you let her get your soul kid?"

"I-I had no choice! if I didn't gave it up, she would have kept m-me in that void forever! ...Y-you think I wanted this to happen? I-*sob* I wanted this to be the end!, I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry about this, I thought she would leave us be, no more resets.., no more loads.. *sob*"

"Hey kid..  easy there.. we need to think. can we even beat her with only one chance?"

"I.. *sniff* I don't think so.
Even without full powers from the last timeline, with my soul she is very powerful..
I don't think.. *crack* we can do anything, Sans. Not anymore.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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