[28] Polite

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"How lovely to finally meet you kids."

The three of you sit across from Uwabami at her extravagant desk. The entire room, including her, is beautiful and highly embellished.

Uwabami sits with her hands interlocked on the table and her legs crossed underneath. She's intimidatingly attractive.

"How wonderful to meet you as well." Yaoyorozu smiles brightly. She's been really looking forward to get some field experience. She leans forward, polite and attentive.

Kendo nods and offers a small grin of her own. "Yeah, likewise. I'm looking forward to working with you, Mrs. Uwabami."

Uwabami beams prettily at the two girls before looking at you expectantly.

You try to smile without teeth but it comes out . Although you look very polite, it's not appealing. You drop it as soon as you start speaking. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Uwabami."

"What was that."

Yaoyorozu and Kendo visibly flinch back at Uwabami's tone.

Her slit pupils grow smaller somehow. The smile has dropped from her face and the snakes in her hair hang forward passive-aggressively.

"If...if I may speak," Yaoyorozu starts courageously, "[L/n] does not know how to smile."

Uwabami blinks. "What?"

Kendo is equally as confused as Uwabami. She leans over and whispers to you with a raised brow, "What the heck was that?"

You turn your head to Kendo. "I was smiling. I am assuming it was not correct."

Uwabami studies you from across the desk. She leans her elbows on the table, narrowing her eyes as she scans your face. You stare back with a blank expression.

After a few seconds, she huffs. "Well, we'll have to work on that. We can't possibly have you in the commercial if you can't at least smile." Shockingly, she doesn't ask for an explanation. Yaoyorozu sighs in relief. You not being able to smile was one of the few things she didn't know enough about to explain.

Kendo studies you from the corner of her eye. Uwabami wasn't the only one with unspoken questions.

Then the three of you simultaneously realize the last part of her sentence.

You all blink. Commercial?

You nod to yourself. I know what a commercial is.

Uwabami rises. "The changing rooms are at the right end of the hall. Go change." She claps her hands twice. "Chop-chop."

You all nod, and suitcases in tow, you bow and leave the room. The girls' changing room is to the left at the end of the hall and boys' to the right.

Kendo comes out first, then Yaoyorozu. They idly chat as they wait for you.

Inside the boys' changing room, you're struck with realization. Your armor fits a tad tighter than usual around your left leg now.

You blink. I have gained muscle.

[Achievement Get!] Big Mascle.

You carefully shimmy into the rest of your armor before picking up your helmet. "No hats indoors." You exit the changing room with your helmet carefully held with both arms.

"Ah." Kendo looks at it with mild interest. "You wore that at the Sports Festival, didn't you?"

You nod. "Yes."

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