[36] Coming Home

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"The time limit is 30 minutes!" informed Nezu, holding up a pocket watch.

The three of you stood before him. The location you were going to fight in was extremely industrial, with steel warehouses, bridges, and piping everywhere.

In the distance was an ominous yellow crane.

"Your objective..." Nezu switched the watch for a pair of handcuffs. "...is to either get these handcuffs on me or have one of you escape from the stage!"

Kaminari raised a brow. "Kinda like our battle training."

In shock, Ashido asked, "We can really just run away!?"

"Yes. Any questions?"

Your teammates looked at each other dubiously before turning to you.

On cue, you asked Nezu, "May I scan you?"

Kaminari and Ashido held their breath as you all waited for his response. Nezu stared up at you with beady black eyes, a cordial smile on his face.

Then he crossed his paws behind his back and asked in amusement, "What makes you think you can beat me even knowing my Quirk?"

Eyes widening just the slightest, you fell silent.

What makes me think I can beat the principal even if I know his Quirk?

Nezu chuckled at your silence and Ashido and Kaminari's fearful faces. "You won't have this kind of luxury in the field, but since the objective here is to beat me, your principal, I'll allow it."

"R-really!?" cried the other two. Shuffling your feet awkwardly, you looked to them for their opinion. Ashido nodded rapidly while Kaminari grinned.

"I see," you said, squatting down to Nezu's level. "Thank you." Colored light washed over him, momentarily turning his white fur into the color of your irises.

"Quirk: High Spec." You thanked Nezu once more before getting to your feet. Turning to your team, you informed them, "His Quirk gives him intelligence that surpasses that of a human's. It is as I thought."

Kaminari gasped. "So it's just like going up against a human! Sweet!"

Nezu watched the three of you convene with an ominous smile.

You were released into the industrial site a few minutes later. You were running towards the exit.

"So, guys," asked Ashido, "what do you want to do?"

Kaminari huffed in brief thought. "Basically, run. He's small, so I should be able to take care of him with my electricity." The blond squinted at both you and Ashido. "My Quirk is the least likely to seriously hurt him, so paws off, alright?"

Ashido snorted. "Don't you fry yourself all the time?"

"We don't talk about that..."

At Kaminari's suggestion, you clenched your fists. You would avoid firing at Nezu at all costs. There was a way to win without hurting him, and you would make sure to find it.

Suddenly, a creaking noise sounded from directly above.

As the three of you came to a stop, Ashido asked, "What's that sound?"

You craned your head upward to see a pipe fall towards you.


Before you knew it, you were being dragged away by Kaminari. His hand was tight around your wrist. Ashido ran next to him, shrieking, "What's going on!?"

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