Chapter 1

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Author: Fatima Mateen 

Date: 1/8/2023


Front cover- Artfleriua, from Google-

Inspiration- Other Dramione stories from Wattpad-

Characters- J.K Rowling, Author of Harry Potter books. 

Hope you enjoy it! :)

Draco POV

First Year

"You don't wanna be friends with riff-raff Weasel, Potter", I remarked to Potter. He shook his head cooly. I narrowed my eyes and looked away to see Granger. Granger... No, this is not possible.

Second Year

"I don't know Blaise, but I feel like I have feelings for Granger.."I murmured to Blaise, as we sat down in the Slytherin common room.

"You do?!", Blaise replied, in shock.

I nodded shyly, "but I don't know... Should I confess to her? It's been a year"

"If you really do like her, I think you should. After all, you better make up your mind, Pansy's got her eyes on you, for some time", Blaise said in a matter-of-fact way.

I looked at him with disgust.

4th Year

"Ask her out Draco! The dance is nearby, you might as well just confess and dance with her!", Blaise cried, as we went down the stairs.

"I don't know, bro. She's most probably dancing with someone else, and you already know; she hates me", I sighed.

6th year- Present

Hermione POV

"There you are! I was looking for you everywhere!"

I turned around to see Ginny Weasley running down the stairs. I gave her a smile.

"How're you? You were looking for me?", I asked her quizically, as we walked down for lunch.

"I'm fine, I was looking for you to tell you that I just heard McGonagall talking to Snape about looking for a new Divination teacher", Ginny replied with a smirk. "Thank god, the time has come".

"Mmm", I commented, not so interested.

"Aren't you happy?", Ginny asked, looking aghast.

"Eh, it's okay I guess", I shrugged. "Anyways, let's go to lunch now".


It's my last year at Hogwarts... Ginny's been imploring me for 4 years now, to be exact, to find the 'one'. I think she's being silly.

She just thinks like that because she's got, Harry. And anyway, even if I do find the 'One', who would it be? Ron Weasley? I sniggered at the thought. He's a friend, not some-.

Ugh, whatever. And anyway, I'm only sixteen! I don't want some random boyfriend, and then break up with him; that's lame.

I either want true love, marry him, and live a beautiful life, or just stay single for life. Yes, that's all.

I nodded to my thoughts and dashed to my Ancient Runes class.


Next up were potions. I sighed, Potions were not my favorite. I entered the class to find that I was late.

"10 points from Griffindor on being late, Miss Granger", Snape stated, dully. I turned red. "Go sit next to Mr. Malfoy". I strode to sit next to Malfoy. I groaned under my breath. I sat down, while Malfoy looked at me.

"Turn to page 94, read, and ask your table members questions related to Werewolves," Snape said while gliding off to his desk. I read through the text while Malfoy sat up properly and opened his textbook. I finished and glanced at Malfoy.

He was staring at me, not the book.

"So... I guess I'll just ask you a question now", I said, staring at the table. I looked up at him, to see Malfoy lost in me with his silver eyes. I looked down at my lap, confused.

Draco POV

Why does she look so much prettier now, in 7 years, or is it because I see her for the first time close up? I stared at her. Her flowing hair, her smell, her chocolate brown eyes, and her smile...

"Umm, Malfoy?", Hermione asked, uncertainly.

Oh, why am I staring at Granger? Be a man, Malfoy! I shook my head and looked at my textbook. "Uh, yes. What did you say, Granger?"

"I asked when does the Werewolf change its form?", Hermione said, looking at her book. Again my eyes were on her. I sighed. Should I confess? No, she'll reject me, of course. I've been such a git in the past years... But the war changed me. Will she notice that part... No? I shook my head once more and said "Oh yes, sorry Granger", looking down. I glanced at Hermione, who looked shocked to hear an apology.

"Mr.Malfoy and Miss Granger. There is no need for love talk", the two of us turned scarlet. "Detention tomorrow, trophy room, 6:00 PM", drawled Snape. I heard Hermione sigh in exasperation. 

Everyone headed to the Great Hall, and everyone ate, immediately after eating, Dumbledore entered and clapped his hands, and said, "All students from grades 5-7 please stay here, while the rest of you please carry on with your lessons". Confused, everyone from 1-4 left the hall. Dumbledore smiled and began.

"The Ministry has set a new law that everyone over the age of 15 has to be married, according to the new 'marriage law'", everyone gasped and protested, although Dumbledore smiled softly, "Yes, its injustice, but the Ministry finds it fit because of the return of Lord Voldemort from last year ( some people winced at the name ), they think that's it's better that people get married early so that they're children are alive to not stop the generation process...

You will be receiving letters in a minute, to whom you are married, when your wedding deadline is and when the lady has to be pregnant. Rooms will be given on the day after tomorrow. A new lesson will be added known as Soulmate Life, starting from Thursday. Thank you". 


To be continued...Hope you liked this :)

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