going across

642 16 10

This chapter has trigger warning regarding blood and gore as well as the usual stuff ure used to. A lot of SHJ in this chapter with low YMW content.. ._.


Moon Hyuna seemed to know this person.

..This wasn't good at all.

Han Yoojin made a gesture to the side, keeping his face carefully blank under his edgy cloak. "I don't think a talk is necessary."

"Hoo?" The Hunter hummed a bit, an off-beat tune that seemed a bit familiar. "Young master-nim, I don't know what you're planning when you should be in Europe, but I can tell that you're making a mess of the European underworld."

She huffed when he did not reply, sharp eyes gleaming.

"You're putting the blame on that white radish, but you will get him caught up too, young master-nim."

"Him?" Han Yoojin inquired lightly.

"I'm talking about the real Silver Shield, of course." [4]

Ah, he had been found out.


One S-Class contract regarding preferential treatment for the Breaker Guild and, of course, a contract for a custom raised Magic Beast later, Han Yoojin slumped down next to a pouty Bak Yerim.

"This sucks," she complained.

"Life is unfair," he deadpanned while his hand fumbled with the TV remote to turn the TV on. "We're lucky she didn't demand more, honestly."

Her head thumped against his shoulder. "Ugh."

At least Peace had fun showing off their skills.


That should have been the end to the sudden surprises, however, naturally, karma was a bitch.


Not counting the message from the MKC Guild asking for a business relationship—seriously, lots of guilds were actually doing this but MKC after Breaker?—the newest surprise went like this:

Han Yoojin arrived in the apartment still in red-haired disguise and then, a hand clamped up against his mouth with bone shattering force.


"Shh.." the presumed owner of the hand cooed, voice rough and mocking.

Now, if the person had been any other F-Class person than Han Yoojin, the person would have been frozen in shock, all instincts screaming of flight or fight instincts. In addition, the person would have been fighting against staying conscious because of the humongous amount of Watchman's Fruit and their own panic at being suddenly restrained and thrown into such a sudden situation, making the person even more likely to inhale the poison.

L-Class Poison Resistance Han Yoojin was not affected at all thanks to Sung Hyunjae who made a similar kidnapping in the past.

Thus, Han Yoojin swiftly captured the hand trapping his mouth and deftly twisted it with an audible crack. His captor howled, backing away. Another voice shouted, "Fuck, the poison ain't working!"

Turning around, he took in the 5—minus one with mister broken wrist whimpering—people surrounding him, blocking windows and doors. Casual clothes to disguise the fact that they are Hunters, face masks to hide their faces and weapons concealed in their Inventory.

Additionally, he spotted Peace's limp form laying on the floor, chest rising and falling.

"Tch," he muttered under his breath, fury rushing up his veins like a raging furnace cloaking his skin.

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