Water Droplets(Depressing Angst)

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⚠️‼️Ending of one's life‼️⚠️

I put full blame on @Ghost_Yoshino

The roof was a calm place. The breeze flows gently, shaking trees that get in the way. The air was thicker, it had just rained, it's likely to come back. But he doesn't care. He liked the rain almost as much as he liked the roof. The rain. Cold drops of water sticking to leaves and pavement. Water is very cohesive. Hmm...When droplets of water build up in a cloud, they get heavy and fall. The fallen drops soon turn into the gas that...No. Roof time is for relaxing. Not thinking. 

Shino sits on a bench, looking over the school grounds. Students and teachers alike heading home as the sunlight dims. Some had umbrellas, other with hoods. Shino had neither. He sat on the bench in a thin T-shirt and sweats. Shino closed his eyes before standing again. It's not like him to be jittery. He sat on the ledge of the building, letting his legs hang over. He laid back onto the damp pavement as rain started to fall. He smiled. Shino smiled into the rain, a few drops seeping into his mouth. He let out a sigh, uncaring about the grouped droplets of water. They'll soon turn into vapor anyhow.


He glanced up at the other in concern.

"He's been up there for a while...Even skipped last period to sit on the roof."

"He'll catch a cold sitting in the rain."

"You know he doesn't care about that." 

Rikku and Artemis exchanged words, both nervously leaving school grounds. Artemis stopped at the cafe club to get Shino something for when he comes to the dorm. A chocolate and caramel cookie. 

Shino never got to eat the cookie.


The news and rumors were being passed around like a bag of popcorn. 

"A kid..."

"So bright...get it?"

"Poor thing."

"17?! They just keep getting younger..."

Artemis was the only one who knew the truth. He knew this truth because of the letter he was told not to open until Thursday. He opened it eagerly on Thursday afternoon only to be greeted with a painful, heartbreaking reality. He had rushed to the area, before he arrived he knew it was too late. Now Artemis reads the letter over and over again.

To, Artemis

I'll start small. You are the most adorable, kindhearted, amazing, talented soul I ever had the blessing to meet. I want you to know I never doubted you. Never have, never will. I love your laugh, your smile, the feel of your hair, your hands. The warm feeling I get hugging you is indescribably comforting. I will never forget you. None of this is your fault. I guess I just got a bad hand at life. I hope you don't forget me completely. I hope you move on. I hope you live your life to the fullest. I hope you never look back. I hope you achieve everything you are worthy of. And you, are worthy of it all.

—Forget me not, Shino

Artemis cried into his hands, careful not to wet the delicate paper. He thought of Shino. Every little aspect of him. Then cherished him in his mind. He wished he could hug him one last time. He overthought their last interaction. Shino had told Artemis he loved him at least 50 times that conversation. Then Shino hugged him tightly before walking off. That was the last time Shino saw Artemis. 

The last time Artemis saw Shino, he was laying lifeless on the pavement. A smile slowly falling from his face. The light of his markings slowly dimming. The rain falling as normal as if nothing had happened.

Why would the rain stop? After all, it's just clusters of water droplets, falling aimlessly out the clouds. 

Shino Oneshots, MHO/MHEWhere stories live. Discover now