I Hate My Legal Guardian! (Angst)

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NOT PROOFREAD (honestly I might stop putting this cuz I never proofread things anymore, I'm just to lazy for that 🥱)

Look don't ask about the title man

Also not sure if I'd call it angst, it's honestly just bitter-

—~Shino POV~—

I know a bunch of kids that would be ecstatic about going on spring break. I am not one of them. 

Spring break means leaving the school. Leaving the school means leaving the dorms. Leaving the dorms means I go back to the place I called home for a few years. My old warehouse. It's not like the place is particularly bad. But one: It's a warehouse. And two: It's bad. 

The wood it's made out of seemed older than country itself, but I took care of that by reinforcing it with newer wood. I've also been actively saving for a real apartment to call home, but honestly that's a long road... 

As I'm gathering up some stuff that I left in my desk, I'm interrupted.

"So Shino, where are you headed during the break?" A voice says from behind me. Database. Angelo Walker. What do I owe the displeasure?

"Same place I was before I got here." I say while still gathering my stuff.

"You don't mean..." Database starts.

"Of course I do. Where else would I go?" I cut him off. That was a stupid question.

"Shino listen, that old warehouse was barely fit for a home when you were there, now that you haven't been for a while, who knows what it's like!" Database tried to reason.

"I did monthly repairs, it'll be fine." I shoot back, turning around to leave. Database blocks the door.

"Yes but now you've been gone for months, what would happen in a storm?" Database scowls, he looks angry.

"That's why as soon as I get there I'm going to reinforce it again."

"You'll be tired by the time you get there."

"I'm tired all the time! But I still get the job done, in fact right now I'm exhausted, but you didn't notice. Nobody else noticed. So it's fine, I'll just fix it up as soon as I get there." I repeat myself, hoping he would finally get the hint that I'm fine.

"Shino, I'm not letting you go there." Database says sternly.

"You are not the boss of me Databse." I defend, unaware of the news that's about to hit me.

"I'm not, but I am still your legal guardian. Just because I give you free will doesn't mean it's not true." Database says with a sigh.

WHAT? Since when was this idiot my legal guardian?!

"Are you serious!?" I say, voicing my thoughts.

"Very. You'll be staying in your old room in my house whenever you can't be at the dorms and that's final." Database notices my long silence and puts a hand on my arm.

"Listen, I'm doing this because I only want the best for you-" I tug away my arm and dash for the now open doorway.

I don't want to hear this bullshit. If you actually cared about me you would've done so, way before any of this. All of a sudden you think I need a babysitter? I'm almost 18, I can think for myself. I can make choices, for. My. Self. I don't need him. I didn't before and I certainly don't now. Of course he thinks I need him, why would he think otherwise? He's sees me as some incompetent stupid kid that makes even stupider decisions. In reality he should know that I'm more mature and capable than almost every other kid in this school! Maybe if he took the time to get to know me in the first place, he would see that. But I suppose it's far, far too late for that.


I ran off to somewhere. I don't know where though. I sit at the base a a tree to calm down. I pull out my phone and send a quick message to Artemis. "I'll probably be home late, so don't stay up waiting for me. Love you ❤️"  I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to calm myself into a stable state. I'm still fucking mad!

I search my bag and eventually find a notebook. I flip to and empty page and start writing down my feelings. 

I hate doing it so much, but it helps calm me down when I'm in a bad mood. I'm never telling anyone I do this, I find it quite childish. Although helpful...

I'm not sure how long I'm here, but I'm perfectly calm now. And I've filled two pages of venting out my thoughts. I sigh and shove the notebook back in my bag, firmly under the rest of them. Who knows when I'll use it again?

Anyways so there will be an angsty part 2 to this

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