Therapist Syndrome (Angst)

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(Anyways tw: Sewerside attempt, not fully written)

Shino breathed in slowly, stretching and cracking his knuckles, looking around his dark room, giving his eyes a break from the blue lighting of his computer.
His eyes had deep bags under them and his blanket was still draped around him from when he rushed out his bed.

The only light in his room being his PC opened to Overwatch.

He didn't plan on playing video games tonight, he was actually doing homework an hour before he got into bed. So much for trying to get his life together.

Shin.     o got a text in the middle of the night before he could fall asleep and he was scrolling through instagram. The text was short. The text was from Kol.

"Take care of L.O.V.E for me. Love you guys"

Understandably, Shino bolted upright and began texting and calling furiously, knowing all too well the kind of text it was.

After some back and forth and some arguing, Shino got Kol on the phone and coaxed him away from the edge of the roof and back to his dorm. The whole thing took about 2 hours and now here they were, playing fucking Overwatch to distract themselves.
Great decision making skills from both of them.

Shino yawned and looked back at the screen, noticing the time. 5:30 AM. His alarm would go off about an hour from now. Despite getting not sleep since about this time yesterday, he turned his mic back on and continued typing away.

Partially from fear Kol would change his mind as soon as Shino went to sleep but also since there was no point as it normally took him quite a while to fall asleep.  He ran on pure willpower and the monster he was chugging.

The sun had started to rise and he could tell Kol was getting tired from his voice and lazy plays.

"Go sleep bro. Take the day off, I'll make some excuses to the teachers why you're not at school." Shino says as the match is finishing.

"You'd do that? Thanks Shino. Really. Just promise not to say anything?" Kol says, a bit of vulnerability and soreness in his voice from a few hours ago.


"Alright. I'll get to sleep." Kol yawns at the end of his sentence.

"You gotta make me a promise back though." Shino smiles on the other line.


"Promise not to try anything? Just sleep the whole day and we can talk more later. Trust me dude this shit isn't fun. I bet you know that though... I'll let you sleep."

"Later." Kol says blandly.

"Hey, promise me."

"I promise" Kol finally says as the match ends and their team comes out winning, Kol making the winning play.

"You promise what?"Shino says expectantly, leaning his hand on the desk then leaning on that.

"I promise I won't try anything." Kol sighs and Shino can hear him yawn yet again.

"Good. Now down forget you gave me your word." Shino says, organizing his many cans to carry into the kitchen.

"Gotcha. Night." Shino can almost see Kol rolling his eyes.

"It's quite literally morning but good night Kol." Shino closes the game and just stares at Kol's contact on his phone.
With that, Shino hears the small sound signaling Kol logged off and he hangs up the call.

Shino stood and stretched his legs before grabbing all his cans and balancing them in his arms, and one in his mouth, all the way up the stairs. He dumps them in the recycling then makes his way back downstairs. Shino heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth and as he looks at himself in the mirror he can already see the acne forming on his face.
Kol had stressed him fully.

Shino Oneshots, MHO/MHEWhere stories live. Discover now