I've never been at Christian's place and having every ounce of him all for mine. There is something strange with him though the moment I saw him. He was like it a sort of trance and his day was all like sad and gloomy while it was perfectly humid day outside. He was like a child whose toy was broken and about to cry. And the moment he realized I was extremely miserable for him, for the first time he hugged me passionately. We already hugged and embraced each other a couple of times at school because you know, boys can act like that too. But the instant his arms were wrapped around his, I already figured out something wrong. I comforted him like he was my, well like he was my boyfriend. He cried around my arms like and never have I felt the feeling of someone wanted me or someone's leaning on me. He told me he was having problems with his girlfriend. I was kinda jealous and irritated but told him in a jokingly manner that how come I didn't know the news that he even have a girlfriend. It turns out the girl was one of our friend from another all-girls school. He told me he didn't want to tell me because it might ruin our friendship. I kinda told him I like that girl before that's why he is afraid of telling me the news. He narrated the whole story ad end being in a Skype call with the girl. There were a lot of crying and saying I'm sorry and those I Love You. I was again jealous and kinda disgusted but all I can do is ease him and I just really feel sorry for him. Two shorts months passed and they've broken up. But just after some weeks he god damned fell for a girl. I can't blame for he's new girl is cute, adorable, and gorgeous too. But here am I and hardly can't do anything but just look at them happily and silently prayed a thunder bolt will struck her. What I really kinda pushed my limit when he's going to ask me for help, ask whether what gift will he give, and all those shit about her. When we meet we almost like talk about her all of the time and all I can do is smile while your blood is boiling inside every vein in your body. I'm pretty sure everyone already felt this feeling before and yeah, it's total pandemonium. And sometimes I'll just like be mad at him and resist the urge of talking to him anymore. I would also ignore his chat messages and everything he does as a sign I guess for him that I don't like the shit he does. But all those sacrifices just went to waste when he doesn't just get the idea of ignoring him and all those shit I do. And I even can't help myself from not talking to him. I think this relationship with this new girl of his is not the same one to his first one because their relationship is now on its 5th month. Those five months of happiness for them both and I was just like "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" One day while on my tablet scanning through my Facebook news feed, my phoned beeped and I was shocked because that beep was a special one only designated for Christian's messages. He told me he needs me badly right now. I was like torn apart from seeing him again in a long time and hanging out and the instinct of Bitch you only talk to me when you need me. I don't know what the hell happened but I find myself riding a cab in the next 15 minutes.

RomanceWell I'm not the guy who usually doesn't write stories or anything and yes, I'm a guy. So now you're kind of interested about this blog, or this story, or whatever you call this wattpad thing because you rarely see a dude writing some shit about the...