Chapter 3

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(Henry and Liam are whispering in the corner eating chips)

"Sooo what do you think that was about" asked Henry. I don't know maybe Drew has been having a bad day or he knew the girl Jake was talking about and he also likes her. Replied Liam, "Idk about that ever since Zoey he hasn't been interested in dating or even girls tbh." responded Henry. "Yeah, I just hope he tells us Jake said earlier he would have to leave early, so after Jake leaves, we can ask him. He just seemed like he was about to fall apart and he doesn't want to tell Jake which is the weirdest part." Yeah said Henry, "he normally wants to tell Jake about most things and wants to do stuff with him all the time" "It must be about Jake then but I don't know what it could be."

(Timeskip to after Jake left)

(3rd pov)

After Henry and Liam hear the front door close they turn to Drew who has started to tear up. They both go and sit next to Drew who is crying. Henry and Liam give each other a serious look they both know something is wrong. Drew starts to just break down and hugs Liam he can't hold it all in anymore. Drew's tears quickly start to drench Liam's shirt. Henry is just telling him to let it all out. Rubbing his back, Drew in between crying, tries to talk. Henry passes Drew and Liam a blanket, Drew likes to hide his face when he talks about this kind of stuff. Drew's mind is rushing all over he just can't get Jake out of his head what is wrong with me it's not like I like him or anything. "It's Jake I don't know what's wrong but I wanna be near him all the time and I have this almost uncontrollable craving for him." Drew now starting to shake. Liam and Henry try to get Drew to elaborate. Henry asks Drew what he means by having this uncontrollable craving for Jake, does he just want to hang out with him, or like you want to care for him or something more? I want to do those things but I also want to- Drew starts to pant. Hey hey, Liam and henry say it's okay Drew you are right here just breathe. Your ok your safe shhh. How about you tell me what's wrong with caring about Jake said Henry. "There nothing wrong with it" Drew starts "but I have been thinking things I have never thought and he's made me feel things I've never felt before and I just don't know what to do or why even. It is just very overwhelming and confusing." Henry and Liam look at each other starting to understand what was up. "Hey Drew," Liam asked "yeah?" "Does your heart ever race sometimes when you look at jake or do you stare at him for a little too long?" "Yeah" "Ok Have you wanted to maybe hang out with him more than us or wanted to buy him things and want him to even sleep over a lot just for him to be around you?" "Yes." "Alright," said Henry, "have you ever been flustered around him and you don't know why." "YES," retorted drew. "Just tell me what's wrong with me already." "Hey Drew," they both said grinning. "what," "We could be wrong but have you ever thought that you could maybe like Jake or maybe have a crush on him?" "W-what," said Drew. "Think about it Drew you could be gay or bi or something else." Their words started to ring in his head and his feelings started to make sense that's why just has been acting weird. Him wanting to stare at him and wanting to take him places and just be around him all the time. Then he started panicking again. "W-what will Jake think," Drew said crying again. Liam hugged him tighter. "Shhh, it's ok Drew just breathe. In and out remember." "Hey, there is a chance Jake likes you he is bi after all." "Yeah," said Liam. "I could have sworn he was going to say him instead of her earlier anyway. To even add onto that he practically described you, Drew." Now that I think about it he did sound like he was describing me. The only thing he left out was my hair. "Hey, how about you ask him out shopping you said you needed a new hoodie right? Me and henry will keep ourselves occupied." "Yeah and to celebrate here I have one of those rainbow stickers in my pocket you can put it on your phone if you want, you have been gifted a rainbow grape." These idiots always know how to make me laugh. "Yeah thanks guys, I love you."

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