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Again, idk why this chapter is deleted. Help.

First was the written exam. I don't understand why everyone is so nervous. I sat down lazily, reading through my paper.

I know that I hate my family, and honestly they are definitely bitches. But I'm really grateful sometimes, like how they taught me high level knowledge. This exam was a breeze! The exam was supposed to be 6 hours, but I finished it within 1. I took a nap, and decided to hand it in.

"Giving up?" Midnight asked me. "No, why would I? I finished." The look on her face was hilarious. She quickly flipped through the pages, eyes widening with each second.

"Can I go now?" She just nodded, so I stepped out.

I was getting hungry at this point, so I went to the canteen.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed.

Aizawa came rushing in, quirk activated. "What happened?"

"No... no chocolate robot?" I fell to my knees. I can't believe it. My life source! My love!

"Aren't you supposed to be in the writing exam?" "Oh I finished."

At first, he didn't believe me. He asked me questions like what was my quirk, if I cheated, blah blah blah. Yea. Of course, I kept up my act.

After all the questions, he just looked so done with life, and left.

After an hour or two of mourning over the fact that there were no chocolate robos, students started swarming out. Some seemed quite happy, while others seem to be disappointed.

Time for the practical exam. Since yo-yos and skateboards are technically not weapons, I found it as a loophole and brought it with me.

"You there! Why did you bring toys with you to this exam! You should know that it is not allowed. Please take this exam seriously!" A man with blue hair chopped his hands up and down.

"First, these are not support items, so it's allowed. Second, you can try taking it away from me!" I challenged him.

He marched over, and tried to lift my skateboard. The obvious answer is... he couldn't lift it. I had modified the skateboard and the yo-yos. The skateboard weighs 50 tons, and the yo-yos weigh 60 tons each.

Suddenly, the gates opened so I rushed in, while everyone else stood there. "Hey that's cheating!" "Disqualify him!"

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING? GO GO GO! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE!" I heard present mic shout! I took a sharp turn into an ally way, where I found robots using en. I casually swung my yo-yo and destroyed all 5 of them at once. Not wasting anymore time, I went to the next place with no one that has robots.

Nezu pov
The exam has been going smoothly, this years batch is very interesting. Some are strong, some are smart, and some are some natural born warriors. Suddenly, a flash of green attracted me. It was a boy named Midoriya. He was swinging around some yo-yos, and destroying robots left and right. It wasn't even ten minutes in and he has already broken the school record. What was more terrifying, is the expression on his face. He was bored.

"All might, your student is quite impressive!" I pointed out. That's when chaos broke out in the monitor room.

Wait... that speed, that expression... could he be killua zoldyck? The moment he took out a lollipop, my theory was confirmed.

"This year will be interesting..." I drank my tea, laughing like a maniac.

Killua pov
This is so disappointing. I'm not even breaking a sweat. I decided that taking up all the robots to myself is kinda selfish, so I decided to take a break. Scaling up a tall skyscraper, I sat on the edge, looking at the people fighting over the limited amount of robots left.

That was when I heard a loud scream, followed by the rumbling of the ground. An enormous robot emerged, crushing anything in its way. Deciding that it's time to have some fun, I ran towards it, activating en to see if anyone was trapped under the rubble. There were a few people trapped, but I should deal with the robot first. I ran up its arm, and found the wires and panels. I modified it a bit, and used it to pick up the rubble, freeing the trapped people. Then, I proceeded to jump in the air and punch it in the face, causing it to fly to the edge of the fake city and create a huge dent on the wall. Then, I let myself free fall and pretended to faint, falling asleep while being carried to the nurses office.

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