twenty-one:﹙the final push﹚

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the final push.

"nothing,"—no need proceed with caution

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—no need proceed with caution

"nothing,"—no need proceed with caution

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ring, ring, ring.

Eight o'clock in the morning the light softly shined into Eden's apartment. Y/n slept in a sleeping back, she wasn't able to get out last night cause of the fact Leah was sleeping right next to her, on the couch.

Her phone buzzed under her head, almost shaking her awake. With a groan, she grabbed her phone peeking her eyes open since she didn't have a lot of friends for them to be calling her this early in the morning.

It was an unknown number trying to get ahold of her.

Pressing decline, she put her head back down into the pillow wanting more rest before she had to go get ready for work. But once more the phone rang and rang vibrating her head. She grabbed the phone once more putting it to her ear her tired voice rang through it.


"Y/n, hey" Foggy's voice almost sounded rushed, causing Y/n to open her eyes confused.

"Hey...Foggy? What's up?" Her eyes opened as she turned in the sleeping bag so she was laying on her stomach.

She could tell that he was whispering and trying to hide something on the other end of the line. "Matt..." Foggy tried not to studder, "Matt- He was badly hurt, I need help with him, please"

Her heart started to race, "I'm coming," She nodded, getting up from the sleeping bag. She didn't think twice before making her way next door to her apartment so that she was able to get changed to go to Matt's.

Y/n's mind was racing; what happened to Matt and why didn't he call her at all yesterday?.

Hell's kitchen was gloomy today, as Y/n walked to Matt's apartment she had never gotten her license cause no one was going to try and drive during new york traffic even if it was just hell's kitchen.

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