Chapter 2: Ivy

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I was sitting on my bed when I heard a short knock at the door. "Please," I heard Ivy say. "I want to explain."

I sighed and got off the bed and opened the door. "What's there to explain? You chose the game over me?"

Ivy frowned. "I... I know I messed up. I know I hurt you. But I never meant to."

I turned away and let her enter the room as she approached with caution. "I asked you. In private. Whether you voted for me," I said through gritted teeth. "And you lied to my face. That wasn't for television, Ivy. That was to me. And only me."

"And I'm sorry. I just... got caught up," Ivy said. "I didn't know how to tell you. I wanted to, but... my feelings, they weren't fake. I... I came on this show with only one goal in mind. To win. And then you came along and... and you became my biggest competition! You won almost every single challenge while I was barely able to keep up. I had to be rescued by you! Literally. I almost drowned. I almost... got eliminated. Multiple times. While you. You only had one chance to be voted out. And I... I took it. Because otherwise, I wouldn't be able to win! I couldn't! And you... you weren't supposed to love me!"

I paused as I had been pacing, and I looked at Ivy in confusion. "What? I wasn't supposed to love you? Ivy, you're a complete sweetheart, and a gorgeous woman. How was I not supposed to love you?"

"Because! No one has!" Ivy shouted. "My mom always expects me to win win win! That's what pageants are for! But love? Love doesn't exist for me. It never has."

I sat down on the bed. "Ivy, tell me about your childhood," I said.

Ivy stopped. "My childhood?" Ivy looked down. 

"Yeah, it sounds like you've got a lot of baggage," I said. "What caused it?"

Ivy looked at me and looked away and then sighed as she sat down. "Do you know what it's like to grow up always competing? From the moment I could do anything, I had the expectation to be the best. Always smile. Don't eat too much food. Never cut your hair. Always say the right thing. Always win. Second place is the first loser. Second place isn't good enough. Only winners get dinners. Only... only winners d-deserve... love."

My eyes widened. "Wait... only winners get dinners?" I said. "Did... did your mom starve you?"

"Not starve," Ivy said. "It wasn't like that, but... if I wanted an actual meal rather than bread and water... I had to win. Always."

"How did you get on this show?" I asked. "Does your mom know?"

"She's the one who wanted me to be here," Ivy nodded. "She told me I had to win or... or..."

"Or what?" I asked.

"Or don't come home," Ivy said as she gulped. "Win. Or don't come home."

I stared in horror. "Ivy..."

"No!" Ivy shouted. "Don't! Don't say it!"

Ivy shot up from the bed, pointing her finger at me, wagging it. "You are not allowed to forgive me! To say you love me! To... be nice!"

I felt the tears coming again. "But you... it makes sense. I get it," I said.

"That doesn't change what I did! To you!" Ivy cried. "The only person I've ever... loved. And I hurt you! I became the person I swore I'd never become! My mom!"

I stared. "No. You didn't," I said. "You played a game. And you won. You did what you had to do. It was part of the show. It was just a game. But this... this is real life. This is the only thing that matters."

Ivy had tears streaming down her face too. "EVERYONE HATES ME!" Ivy shouted. "YOU SHOULD HATE ME! I HURT YOU! I... I..."

I stood to my feet and wrapped my arms around Ivy, pulling her into my body. "I don't. I don't hate you. I forgive you," I said.

"No! Stop!" Ivy cried. "You can't!"

"But I do!" I shouted. "I forgive you because... because..."

"NO!" Ivy shouted. "STOP IT!"

"I love you," I said. "I love you, Ivy."

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