Chapter 1: Betrayed

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This story takes place after Chapter 17 of America's Most Eligible Book 1 which reveals Ivy as the person who caused Violet to be eliminated before the comeback. 

Kenzie's words hit me hard. "It's Ivy," she said.

No. It couldn't be. The woman, I had fallen in love with, had intimate moments with, betrayed me. I almost wanted to say that Kenzie was lying. That she made it up. Just to mess with me. But I knew better. I knew Kenzie wouldn't lie. And if she wouldn't lie then... then that meant that Ivy had betrayed me. I shut my eyes, trying not to cry. I couldn't be seen as weak. I couldn't let anyone see my true feelings. This was television. And I had to perform.

"Tell me something I don't know," I said. "I never trusted that snake's performance."

I was lying. Of course, I was lying. I didn't know that the woman I had confessed my feelings to... was the same one who wanted me gone from the start. There had to be an explanation. Something. A misunderstanding. "Go confront her," Kenzie said. "She needs to be exposed."

I felt my mouth dry as I saw her on the stage, getting ready to vote between Kenzie and Derek. My eyes narrowed. The rage processed in my head. And I was on a mission. I stormed on stage and I looked Ivy in the eyes, and said. "I know what you did, Ivy. I know you voted me out."

I could see the gears turning as Ivy's eyes widened as she realized what I was saying. "What? How?!" Ivy exclaimed, taken aback.

I was secretly praying that those words wouldn't be the first thing she said. That somehow she would be confused. That maybe Kenzie had been lying after all. But I knew the truth. I couldn't deny it. "Kenzie triggered the audience vote. And she says you voted me out for elimination," I said as the cameras focused on me as I stared Ivy down, my body just a few inches away from hers.

"I-it was an accident," Ivy said. "I didn't... I..."

"Did you also nominate me to be eliminated?" I asked.

Ivy frowned, her eyes darted to the floor. "Y-yes. I did."

I did everything in my power to hold back my tears. But I couldn't stop my voice from cracking as I said. "Why? Why target me?"

"Because you're my biggest threat. You've been my biggest threat from the moment we met," Ivy said.

I pinched my nose as I took a deep breath. "So all of this. All of us. It was just a game. To you," I said.

Ivy didn't say anything. And then. I slapped her. The silence was deafening. I turned around. And walked off stage. I felt the tears unleashing immediately, maybe they had already been released, but I felt numb. I felt broken. I found myself sitting on the balcony, my knees were pressed against my chest as I buried my face in my hands and cried.

Moments later I felt arms wrap around me. I tensed for a moment, but let the person pull me into their arms. My face lifted up as tears streamed down my face. "Jen? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to check on you," Jen said softly.

"Did you know?" I sniffled. "About Ivy?"

Jen looked away for a moment, looking guilty. "I'm sorry," she said. "But yes. I did. All of the producers did. But we couldn't tell you..."

"Because it would ruin the great television," I said with a cold voice. "Why is everything about the views? Why can't anyone just be honest?"

Jen sighed. "Because this is what reality television is," Jen said. "Playing with your emotions, drawing out the worst of you. It's what America wants to see. And they don't think of you as human. They think of you as a character to root for or to hate."

"So... what do I do?" I asked.

"You give them a show," Jen said. "And you give them a reason why they should root for you. You can choose how you handle Ivy's betrayal."

I nodded. "Who did she eliminate?" I asked.

"Derek," Jen said. "Though it was probably for the fake showmance breakup they had."

I sighed. "I guess I have to face the music," I said.

"If you need me, just let me know," Jen said as we stood up.

I nodded. "Thanks," I said. "You're a good friend."

Jen nodded as we headed downstairs, though not before I cleaned myself up a little. As I made my way downstairs, I saw Ivy sitting on the couch, looking torn. She immediately saw me, but I turned away heading to my room, not wanting to see her face whether it was smug or sad. All I knew is what I felt. Betrayed.

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