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"Here drink this" I hand Scott a water bottle as we stand in front of his locker.
He grabs it and examines it.
"You want me to carry around a pink water bottle with animal crossing stickers on it?" He questions.
"It's all I had, I'm sorry." He opens the cap and goes to drink but I grab his arm before he could take a swig.
"Small warning, take very small sips at first it's going to absolute burn the shit out of you."
"Then why would I drink it?" He recalls the bottle and shoves it into my hands.
"You'll get used to it by the end of the day. It helps weaken you so when you turn you won't hurt anyone and also with time you'll get used to it so if there's hunters they can't use it against you." I put it back into his hand.
"What is it?" He opens it and takes the smallest sip which did, you know, make his breath hitch and a coughing fit began.
"Not good right?" I shake my head.
"Scott!" Stiles jogs down the hall and kneels beside him, rubbing his back.
"You okay?" He asks, giving him his water from his backpack.
"Werewolf things." I say with a little smile.
"That fucking sucks." He hyperventilates.
"The wolfsbane you told me about?" Stiles questions and I respond with a nod.
The school end of the day bell rings and the halls begin to swarm with people. Stiles helps Scott up and dusts him off.
"It's my tutoring day, are you joining?" Stiles asks me.
"I'm taking her home." Scott says immediately.
I can't keep secrets for the life of me, so here I am just smiling like Scott told me to do.
"Oh ok." It gets silent and he looks at Scott and then me.
"Does this have to do with my birthday? Because I thought after the Ethan and the werewolf thing I made it clear that we were focusing on you guys this month." Stiles' eyes end up on mine.
Still smiling, but my eyes have a look of horror in them.
"No, werewolf business remember?" Scott grabs my shoulder and turns me around, pushing me away.
"Guys c'mon." Stiles scoffs.
"Werewolf stuff!" Scott mouths loudly while we approach the front door.
Every year a week after my birthday Scott and I team up to plan Stiles birthday, we first plan an escape to Lydia's forced rave and then the initial party for him. It's usually just us three, Scott's girlfriend Allison joined us last year. They've been on and off, so I barely know her. It also doesn't help that we don't have any classes or lunch together but from what little I've hung out with her she seems nice.
"I'll let Allison know we are on our way home." Scott takes out his phone, using his unoccupied hang to open the car door.
And this year Allison's involved in the planning.
I enter the car as well, not paying attention to his conversation. Maybe I'll plan a movie night? We can watch a Star Wars movie and then do some Trivia Pursuit so he can beat our ass? Last year we rented out a cool ass Airbnb in LA that had an arcade and themed rooms. It was pretty cool, and he enjoyed it immensely.
"That's okay! Yeah bring her."
Is what I hear when I come back to reality.
"Love you, bye" he hangs up his phone and throws it into the middle console.
He looks over at me.
"She's bringing someone?" I ask.
"Before you say anything. Allison just now was out hunting with her family." He starts.
"Hunting?" I begin to be confused.
"Her family, the Argent family, they're werewolf hunters. She goes out with them to save some, want them before they get to them." He explains.
"I told her I was a werewolf a couple days ago and she told me about her family, they had just told her a few months ago and are pressuring her to continue the legacy."
"Holy shit Scott." I look at him with worry.
"I know, I know, but she found a wolf that turned into a girl, like werewolf's do, but she's having trouble." He tries to explain.
"She said she's been in wolf form since she was eight."
"When I was eight. That's when my parents got in the car crash, that's the last thing I remember." She shrugs.
Allison, Scott and I look at each other.
"Holy shit I didn't know were coyotes existed." I gasp.
"She can't stay with me obviously." Allison looked to Scott and I.
"Lydia would kick her out immediately." I shake my head.
"My moms not gonna be okay with taking a girl in, she doesn't know about all this and I don't want her to know about it."
"What if we say she's an orphan? Say her family died recently and she needs a place to stay?" Allison suggested.
"She loves helping others it could work."
My hearing focuses on something, blurring out the rest of the voices. I hear a click and I turn to the front door, my nose fills with the smell of him.
"Guys Stiles is here." The door opens and we all turn to him.
"I knew everyone was hanging out with me I knew it." He points at Scott and then to me.
Then at Malia.
"Who is that."
"Malia." She answers.
"I'm Stiles."
"That's a weird name." Malia responds.

An awkward silence fell between us.

"You guys are planning my party." Stiles accuses.

"No No we were trying to find this girl with dead parents a home." I point to Malia.

"She's right there's no party talk here, its the opposite of that. It's- it's orphan talk." Malia nods her head.

"I have an extra room she can stay with me." Stiles shrugged.

"No." Allison and I replied immediately.

"What about your dad?" Allison side eyed me.

"He's a cop we tell her story say she's been found and she should stay."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Allison says, glancing at me to see my reaction.
"I'm okay with that. I would love to stay with you, a dude I just met and know nothing about." Malia awkwardly laughs and then clears her throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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