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Something felt wrong. Tutoring was over and it's six in the afternoon. I've waited an hour and Stiles hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. Scott sent a message saying
'So sorry Lydia said she could take you home, my personal problem became bigger. Stiles' phone is dead.'
I had a bad feeling and it wouldn't go away, I walked out of the front door of the school and see Lydia in the passenger seat of Ethan's car.
"Sis! Over here!"
God as if they aren't the only car in the drop off.
"Ready to go home?" Ethan leans forward to look at me from the drivers side.
"Take me to Scott's house." I throw my bag in and take the back seat.
The only time I've been back here is when Ethan tried to have sex with me. And now I'm grossed out.
We pull up to the house and all the lights are off. I glance down the street to see Stiles' house which is also dark, his dad not home.
The jeep was in Scotts driveway so I go up to the door and knock. Lydia and Ethan already speed off before I even made it to the door.
It was silent. I close my eyes and focus to see if I hear anything.
"It really hurts Stiles." Scott groans.
I look up to the sky and see the full moon, I'm a werewolf but I can control when I turn. New ones can't and my family is from the original werewolf line. My claws come out and I can feel my eyes glow red.
"Stiles get out of here." I hear.
I put my claws away and knock harder on the door.
If Scott's turning for the first time and he's chained to the radiator in his room, it's not going to be enough.
"STILES LET ME IN." I pound on the door.
It opens and Stiles looks freaked out.
"Moon what are you doing here?" He looks back frantically as Scott begins to scream in pain.
"Is he a werewolf?" I ask as I walk upstairs to his room.
"No don't go in there, it's not safe." He pulls me back and steps in front of me.
The more Scott turns the more I feel it, my eyes grow warm and I can feel them turn dark red.
"Luna why, I-, your eyes are." He touches my cheek and stars into my eyes.
"I can help him." I push him aside and barge into his room.
"You chained him to the bed? What is that going to do?" I turn to Stiles and he shrugs.
"Luna leave." Scott catches his breath.
I can see every muscle in his body contract and his yellow eyes glow.
I crouch beside him and place my hand on his bare chest.
"You have to turn eventually but I can help prepare you, it doesn't have to be today. Does that sound good?" I ask as I lift his face to look at me.
"Y-yes." Drool drips onto the floor, his werewolf teeth growing in.
I flash my red eyes at him and smile, I grab his arm and take the pain away.
His body softens and his eyes go back to brown. He drops limp onto my lap, unconscious.
"Is he okay?" Stiles kneels down next to me.
"Yeah he'll be fine. He's gonna wake up in like eight hours." I keep my hand on Scott until I felt he was knocked out enough.
"Are you a werewolf?" Stiles looks at me and my eyes become brown again.
"Uh yeah I was born one." I pull Scott off my lap and Stiles hands me a pillow to put under his head.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He stands behind me and helps me up.
"I don't really wolf out, so I don't think it's a big deal."
"A big deal? You're a werewolf! That makes you even more cool and then you had the red eyes and that just made you hotter. Like way hot, I'm sweating, is it hot in here?" He rambles.
"Ok I'll tell you." He was excited, he sits on Scott's bed but I shake my head.
"Let's go to your place. He's gonna be gone all night." I reach my hand out and he grabs it.
"Wait, you're not going to kill me or anything now that I know right?"
"Stiles don't ask dumb questions." I push him out the door.
"I'm part of the original werewolf line. I can turn whenever, and I have crazy abilities but I don't really use them. Dad said I can only use them to save lives. So that's what I did today. Im a natural Alpha, i have to power to control when I change but also when others change. But Scott has to change eventually or he'll die so I can help him deal with the pain and how to not hurt anyone." I explain as we walk down the sidewalk.
Stiles only lives three houses down from Scott, they're such besties.
"What other powers? Can you turn me into a werewolf? Oh and can I see your teeth? Are they sharp? Can you bite me? I want you to bite me." Stiles rants excitedly.
"Ok listen. I will not bite you. No one knows not even Lydia. So please don't tell anyone. I'll help with Scott and I can show you everything. Does that sound good?"
He takes the keys out of his pocket and unlocks his door.
"That sounds good." He nods.
"One more question." He turns to face me while walking backwards into his house.
"If it's something dumb I-"
"Have you had werewolf sex? Like all the extra strength, claw marks all over the body type sex?" He shows his hands as if there were claws on it and I smile.
"Not yet, but that does sound extremely hot." I agree.
He takes his jacket off and so do I, I hand it to him as he walks over to his room.
"Stiles, weirdly enough I think I would tell you if I had even normal sex." He sits on his bed and I stay at his doorway.
"You're lying. You definitely had sex with Ethan." He leans back on his bed.
"I'm hurt I really am. I think I tried to do more than making out but it didn't feel right. He definitely respected that but he-"
"He had sex with other girls." He finishes.
"Look he's a dick, I was honestly confused why you kept going back to him. He treated you so badly. You deserve so much better."
"I do." I nod and he's grabs my hand, he begins to play around with it, tracing the lines on my palm, poking at every finger.
"Can I sleepover still?" I point to my bag that I had set on the floor.
"Yeah." He nods his voice rough since it's late.
"I'm going to shower. You seem tired so you can just sleep okay?" I pat his head and stand up, I turn back and he was already lightly sleeping.

Someone Else | Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now