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     I would love to say I enjoyed waking up to a Stiles yelling at me to wake up but, no no I did not

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I would love to say I enjoyed waking up to a Stiles yelling at me to wake up but, no no I did not. Everything he's saying to me right now it straight gibberish.
"And then maybe at lunch we could try to find a spot that's not with Ethan and his friends." He smiles and grabs my face.
"Does that sound good?" He says slowly.
"Let me sleep, I beg." I say out of breath.
"We already missed first period. Lydia texted saying she tried to wake you, I can confirm she did not." He crouched down and picks up empty water bottles and throws them into the trash in the corner of my room.
"You want me to make you eggs or is this a grab Starbucks on the way and complain about being hungry the whole day-day." He questions.
"It's a skip school day." I answer as I close my eyes and bury my head into my pillow.
"You can't miss school because of the break up." He states.
"It's not because of that." I sit up and open my eyes to look at him.
"Then what?" His confusion i what made me smile.
I pat the spot next to me in bed and lay my head on his shoulder whenever he sat down.
"We will go to school. Meet me at Roscoe at two fifteen pm on the dot. I will pack my stuff before leaving and we will..." I stop to see if he guesses.
"I can't watch twilight again." He sighs in disappointment.
"Bitch no. I want to watch Star Wars." I take my head off of his shoulder.
"I- I think Im in love with you." He grabs my shoulders and shakes me.
There it is again. Just ignore it.
"This is the best day of my life." He starts to fake cry and pulls me into a tight hug.
Arriving to school late is my favorite activity. I get to walk in, half empty Starbucks in hand, and my makeup looks way better than whatever I attempt to do at six am when I'm on time. It's in between third and fourth period and people are rushing to their classes. I go to my locker and lucky for me my locker neighbor slash step sister is there making out with my one day old ex boyfriend.
She notices me approaching and pushes him off of her.
"I'm sorry." She looks down disappointed.
She may seem like a bitch but she just wants to be loved genuinely, and Ethan gave that to her it's going to wear off in a couple months but at least she's happy now.
"No problem, just want to get my math book." I quickly throw my bag into the locker and take out the book.
"Oh, before fourth, Principal Weems wants to see us in her office." She informs before I go.
"Thanks." I nod and head right and down the hall. The same hall Stiles' locker is at.
Surprisingly Scott is there chatting with him. It's not really a surprise, they're best friends, but he recently started dating the new girl Allison and they've been annoyingly inseparable.
"Oh Anakin, you're breaking my heart." I fake sob as I get close to Stiles and I wrap my arms around him.
"Now how do you know about that, you've never seen the movies." He hugs me back.
"Tiktok edits have really convinced me to watch this movie. I need to see daddy Anakin." I pull away from Stiles and hug Scott.
"Hi Moon." He pats my back and quickly pulls away.
He looked nervous, his heartbeat was fast.
"Can we meet after school and talk about what happened? Im really worried." Scott looks at Stiles.
"What happened? Did Allison do something?" I question and the both sat in silence.
"Hold on, you guys are not about to keep something from me. I need to know! I can even probably help." I plead with them to tell me but Stiles just gives me a look.
"We just want to protect you okay? It's something dangerous." Scott says.
"Dangerous and you tell Stiles? What's he gonna do throw a bat at someone?" I chuckle, but Stiles nudges me.
"Fine, I'll reschedule Star Wars but I already have my stuff packed so I'll go do after school tutoring and you can pick me up after your...talk." I suggested.
They both nod as the late bell rings and they leave to their classes. I walk up to the front of the school where the principals office is, I walk in and Lydia is there with smudged lipstick.
"Hello Luna, thank you for meeting with me." I sat next to Lydia, across Principal Weems and let place my math book on my lap.
"We are waiting for one more." She states.
"But before they come, I wanted to see how you were doing after your dads death." She asks as she looks at both of us.
"I've been doing great, in my culture death isn't the end, relatives are always here and looking after you, guiding you." They both look at me with worry.
"Memories live on and what not." I smile.
"What about you Lydia."
"Well I only knew him for the year he was married to my mom but he seemed great and it's a little sad but I can make it through." Lydia answers.
Lydia has never said a word to my dad, she hated all the men her mom brought home and thought he wouldn't last. And he didn't but just because he died. They would've been forever if he lived, he loved her so much. The door opens and I look back to see Stiles.
"Oh Hey guys." He walks up and stands behind me since there's no more chairs.
"Great, I brought you all here to say you guys are all tied for Honor Roll." Principal Weems seemed exhausted, like keeping up with our perfect grades and extracurriculars was tiring for her.
"And now Stiles is on the Lacrosse team, Lydia joined the planning committee, Luna created and manages the tutoring system done after school. You guys are doing the absolute most." She flips through papers on her desk.
"But Luna came to me last week and said she got more students on board to tutor and even Stiles is doing that with her so I think if everything is the same by the end of the semester Lunas getting it." She explains.
"But what about the planning committee? I started planning a fundraiser to have our homecoming since the school is pumping all the funds into lacrosse." Lydia leans forward she's probably annoyed that she puts extra effort into everything and doesn't get rewarded for it.
"I'm ok with that." Stiles shrugs.
"I'm aware of the fundraiser and I'd be glad if it goes well but Luna has done far more this year. She's done a bit of fundraising and she sometimes is in the cheer squad to show school spirit!"
Yeah it's not much I do I put on the cute outfit and do a cutesy chant once every thirty minutes. Im thinking of doing it more since Scott and Stiles made the team.
"Just letting you guys know, you may go to class now." She dismisses us.
Lydia stays, but Stiles and I quickly leave the room. He takes the math book from me and holds it.
"Lil honor roll for lil ol' moonie." He ruffles my hair.
"Yeah, I'm finally smarter than you." I laugh.
"Yeah yeah, sure. Who tutored you so that you wouldn't fail Campbells test?" He questions obviously knowing it was him.
We stop at the end of the hall where my math class is and he hands me my book back.
"You can't use that as any example because my dad had just died. But thank you."
"Right, I'll see you tonight, love you." He walks backwards into the direction of his class and waves.
"Forever." I throw a peace sign and open the door to my math class.
My mind began to race as I sat down, why was Scott so nervous? If it's something dangerous why can't I know about it to better protect my friends and I?

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