twenty-two:﹙cryptic attack﹚

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cryptic attack.

"guns, assassination, murder,"— proceed with caution

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"guns, assassination, murder,"
— proceed with caution

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Night had adorned Hell's kitchen, the police sirens had echoed through the streets that were still wet from the rain. She didn't know what she was doing, she was acting out of rage and passion for Matt. 

Would this bring out the devil inside of him if she did this? 

There was darkness inside of him that she wanted to see, she wanted to see it all. A police officer was sitting in his car, changing the radio channel. 

The sounds of the music softly playing from the radio were heard before there was a crash. He ducked his head, as the glass shattered breaking and went over to him cutting the white police officer's face a bit. 

Y/n was wearing her white bodysuit, which had her mouth covered and the hood up. She grabbed onto the man's head, pulling his hair back and making the man look her in the eyes. He had cuts over his face. 

She was softly panting, not knowing what was doing. Nothing was running through her head she just wanted Fisk to die for hurting Matt the way that he did. "Wilson Fisk," She asked him, her voice raspy and panting. "Where is he?" 

The police groaned as she held onto his head tightly squeezing her fist more together trying to hurt him. "I-I-I don't know" He studdered trying to shake his head in her hand, yet she didn't take I don't know for an answer. 

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