Chapter Twenty-Six: Work and Play

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Sorry this chapter is rather short--the next part needs a whole chapter unto itself, so this one had to be a little slim. My apologies!!!

Chapter Twenty-Six: Work and Play

Bella stretched lazily, humming as she awoke and opened her eyes. “Hey,” she greeted me, her voice rough with sleep.

I pulled her more snugly against my chest. “Hey yourself. How did you sleep?”

She groaned. “I assume you mean after the killer nightmare?”

My smile faded at her word choice. “Killer, indeed,” I hissed in a voice too low for her to hear. But I knew she picked up on my mumbling and the shift in my mood.

Bella groaned again. “You know I didn't mean it that way,” she mumbled as she slid her body atop of mine, wrapping her slender arms around my frigid neck.

“I know,” I replied quietly as I massaged her back soothingly.

Mischief in her eyes, Bella leaned in, pressing her lips to mine. I responded enthusiastically, allowing myself to fully absorb the subtle joy of having Bella in my arms and kissing her. But just as her warm tongue flicked temptingly against my lips, begging for entrance, I felt as well as heard her stomach rumble.

Thankful for the interruption, I broke the kiss, smiling up into her beautiful face. “Breakfast for the human?” I teased, repeating my suggestion from that first morning in her room. I glanced toward her bedside clock and chuckled,” But perhaps I should rephrase: Brunch for the human?”

Bella twisted quickly in my arms to look at the clock. “11:30? Wow....”

In a flash I scooped her into my arms and got to my feet, ready to carry her downstairs. But I had gotten ahead of myself and paused.

“A human moment first?” I asked, smiling down at her.

Bella blushed in my arms as she replied, “Please.”

I gently set her on her feet, and she scampered to the bathroom as I sat down on her bed to wait. When the bathroom door opened again, I whisked her back into my arms, rushing down the stairs to the kitchen where I deposited her into one of the mismatched chairs at the small kitchen table.

“So, what's for brunch,” she asked, smiling, obviously remembering our first morning together as well.

I opened the refrigerator, scanning its contents before replying, “How about scrambled eggs?” I wasn't much of a cook, but I have mastered a few simple dishes in our months together, and preparing food for Bella brought me a sense of satisfaction. It was one practical way in which she allowed me to take care of her without threatening her stubborn independence.

“Sure. Eggs sound great,” she answered.

Bella watched from the table as I gathered the eggs and milk from the refrigerator and made her brunch. While the eggs in the pan were bubbling and solidifying on the stove, I pulled out a small basket of berries. After washing and slicing them, I placed them in a small glass bowl and added half-and-half and a sprinkling of sugar, finishing just in time to give the eggs one last scramble and grab the toast that had just sprung up from the toaster, buttering it quickly before serving her simple meal along with a glass of milk.

“Thanks, Edward—this is great!” Bella said after swallowing her first bite of eggs.

“It was nothing,” I answered quietly.

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