Chapter Nineteen

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"Right, I think that's all sorted now. Time to put the movie in."

He picked up a hollo plastic book, and on it, I could see three children standing on a giant clock with another child in front of them, almost flying. Under his head read the name Peter Pan. I instantly recognised the title. It was the name of a small children's book I read years ago.

"I have read a book with the same name. Is it going to be like that?"

"Yes, well, it might take a few liberties, but it will generally be the same story. So, are you up for watching it?" I nodded my head, and he took a shiny round object from within the book and placed it into a black box. He grabbed a black device, I believe is called a remote and pressed a button on it which caused the screen to come to life.

Throughout that whole movie, I don't think I blinked once. It was the most fantastic thing I have ever seen. It's one thing to imagine a story visually in your head. It's entirely another to see it being brought to life. Once it was finished, I looked at Jacob and said the only thing running around my head.

"How?" To that, he just laughed.

"Seriously though, how did they manage to do that. I thought that humans couldn't fly back then. And how did they make everything look so real." I am still so flabbergasted.

"Movie magic." he said this while sprinkling his hands in the air.

"They couldn't fly. I think they used some kind of invisible rope, but I can't be sure. It's something created on Earth. We don't have anything like that here, but we were given a few from Earth when we made our agreement. I would say it was one of the only good things we obtained from the alliance. They are not super rare here, but I've heard they are almost obsolete over on Earth."

Even though it's the opposite of what I initially requested when we left the room this afternoon, I am curious about the history of the planets.

"Jacob, could you tell me a little more about yourself, I really want to know what it was like growing up here and the history of this place." I crossed my legs and turned to face him with my back against the armrest.

He copied me, crossing his legs and facing me. Due to how small the sofa was, our feet were now touching, and it sent a spark through me, which I tried to ignore. But I could see that he felt the same thing I did.

We locked eyes for what felt like forever when we both started leaning forward, but whatever was about to happen was stopped by the TV playing the movie again. Jacob shifted, grabbed the remote and turned it off.

He then got up, took the round object from the box, and put it back into the book. He then put it to one side and passed me the rest of the covers.

"Why don't you pick something you like the look of." I started to search, but nothing registered with me. I was too flustered and worked up. I decided a little pep talk with myself was needed, so I passed them back.

"Can you choose, please they all look the same to me? Also, can I use the bathroom, please?"

"You sure? And, of course," With that, I got up and walked to the door turning before I opened it.

"Your choice was good last time."

I let out a huge sigh the minute I walked through the doorway and shut it behind me. I laughed but immediately grabbed my mouth.

I shouldn't be laughing after everything that's happened. Why am I so worked up about a connection with someone?

I got up and tried to compose myself by going to the sink and splashing my face with water, but that's not what snapped me out of it. It was the reflection I saw in the mirror that sat above the sink. Just one glimpse of my eyes made me scarper out of the room into the bedroom.

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