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"I walked along the river's edge, to hide my secret treasure. This poem is terrible."

After a call about a man stranded on a cliff, trying to discover treasure. The 118 were further looking into the hunt that had taken people by a hold.

"A heron soared, a gray bridge roared, a bullfrog croaked 'Good measure.'"

"It's less of a poem, and more of a riddle." Bobby corrected,

"Fine. It's a terrible riddle."

"I stopped beneath a willow tree in the narrow place" hen continued to read

"And then I saw the light beam fall upon my treasured place."

Kate sipped on her coffee "you realise how many calls we are gonna get about one riddle"

"A real-life treasure hunt. Wouldn't it be..."!




"All of the above"

"Probably not even real." Bobby finished.

"What if it is? How cool would it be to find it?" Buck fantasised

"That's cute" Kate pouted, "but unfortunate for you, we have an 8 month old at home and a wedding with barely a month left to plan. I'm up to eyeballs in flowers and dresses and diapers and everything else, and you my dear dear soon to be husband will not be abandoning me for a treasure hunt"

Kate patted his cheek, "love you"

"You know, your new best friends story is probably gonna bring a lot of traffic to this thing" Eddie teased.

"She is not my best friend" buck rolled his eyes, "besides, she's just doing her job"

Kate smiled a little, walking over to the counter. She grabbed an apple.

Hen looked to Kate, "How are you not jealous?"

Kate shrugged, "I gave birth to his child, I feel like there is no beating that. Besides - from what I heard - if I got jealous for every girl Buckley slept with, I'd walk this world forever painted green"

"True that" hen laughed, high-fiving chimney.

Kate shook her head, she looked back at buck who seemed deep in conversation on his phone.

Kate walked over, she smiled as she took the phone from his hand "goodbye Taylor, have a nice day"

"Oh come on. There's 5 million dollars at stake here" buck whispered, not wanting his coworkers to hear.

"There's better chance at winning the lottery sweetheart" Kate said, kissing his cheek.


Kate walked into her dining room, Josie rested in her hip. Her eyes landed on Eddie Diaz and Taylor Kelly strategising their plans.

"Absolutely not" Kate shook her head, "how did you managed to rope more people into this"

"Are you not in on this?" Eddie asked, pointing a beer bottle to her.

Kate sighed, "No I am not because you three are one of many many people or groups looking for these sacred jewels that probably don't exist"

"But it's so much money" Eddie said.

"Eddie, I'm a firefighter, who is engaged to a firefighter who lives in a beautiful house. We are not exactly short on income" Kate pointed out.

𝘼𝙁𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔Where stories live. Discover now