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"Actually yeah I really like this one!" I say exitedtly. I think this is the best apartment I've ever seen. It's fucking huge though but the view is just amazing.

On the deck the eifal tower is showcased in the center of all the buildings looking amazing.

"I think this is the one" I say happily to the real estate agent.

"Yeah this view is great! Since we have you on energy move in just a few signatures then it's yours hun. We have shippings in California that can bring you're furniture here in about a week."

It all seems to easy. I think this is the right descion.

"Okay lets sign"

She places a few stacks of papers on the kitchen counter and I'm so blessed I'm able to afford this place. I've worked so hard on my company I'm excited to move it to Paris.

She starts handing me papers and I sign all of them getting bored fromhow many there are.

"Okay Mrs wagner this place will officially be yours in a week! I'll contact the shippers right know" she says shaking my hand.


My Uber drops me off at the mbappes house and all I want to do is take a nap. All the cars are home for expects I'm guessing mbappes. They must be out on a family dinner.

I walk in and my heart skips a beat at the sound I'm fucking hearing. Is that Mrs fayza...

I walk into the living room and my jaw drops to the floor. Literally.

Some girl is literally getting fucked by kylian ON THE FAMILY COUCH. I swear I just threw up in my mouth.

Kylian looks at me and his eyes widen. I put my hand over my mouth and rush to the front door hearing him call my name.

"Wren wait!" he comes running towards me in his boxers and I close my eyes.

"Kylian what the fuck!" I say putting my hand over my eyes.

I feel around the door and find the door handle opening it and turning around feeling kylian grab my arm.

"Wait wren don't tell anyone okay?" he says trying to get me to turn around but I refuse to look at him naked. I've been over this with myself and I can NOT be attracted to kylian anymore!

"Ew I wasn't going to! Know let go of my arm kylian!" I whine.

"No you're not leaving"

"HAILEY GET THE FUCK OUT" he yells to I'm guessing the girl and she comes out wrapped in a blanket to a car parked down the street. Okay but maybe I'm dreaming cause this is so random. So so out of pocket.

"Wren open you're eyes already" kylian says getting annoyed.

"No I-"

He pulls me inside and slams the door shut making me open my eyes.

"Kylian please move"


I try to move to the side but he sticks his arm out stopping me.

"What are you doing this for! I don't give a shit who you fuck kylian"

"Because I wish it was you I guess"


"You heard me"

I quickly walk tworss the left walking past him upstairs. That was literally the weirdest interaction I've ever had and my eyes oh where's the bleach.

I decide to take my mind off it by doing some makupe using my brand. I need to post something on isn't a anyways I haven't in a a few days.


break the rules  ||kylian mbappe Where stories live. Discover now