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I tried texting Dylan but he blocked me. I wish I could've at least explained the situation I feel so bad he was such a nice guy.

I'm so bored. Kylian and Ethan are at training and isla is on a date with her new boyfriend. I literally only have 3 friends...

I've been working all morning responding to emails and I'm thinking about launching a new lip oil since they're so popular right know.

I was thinking about buying a warehouse here in Paris but I feel like knows not the time.

I decide to play some music instead of answering emails because that's boring and make myself a smoothie.

I connect my phone to the tv shuffling my playlist and the first song that comes on is Escapism by RAYE which is such a good song.

I turn the volume up high and get out my ingredients. I grab a frozen smoothie pack which is genius and blend it up with some orange juice also genius.

I sing along to the song tasting my smoothie and wow its so good.

Today's a good day.


"Wren wake up" I feel someone shake me while I slowly open my eyes. Holy shit how long was my nap. I get up feeling fuzzy and see it's dark outside.

What! Know I'm not going to be able to sleep.

"Wren I have a surprise for you" I look up and see kylian in his trainging outfit.

"Kylian why did you wake me up" I whine turning around to face the couch.

"You've been sleeping all day! Know get up I have a suprisee"

"What is the surprise"

"Im not going to tell you then it's not a suprise. But I'm serious get up and get ready were going to dinner in an hour"

"Only an hour!" I spring up making him laugh.

"Yes and wear a nice dress okay?"



I chose to straighten my hair but have some waves so I threw in some rollers in and i'm
not going to lie this look ate.

My makupe even turned out perfect which is rare but im obsessed. I slip on the white mini dress I chose to wear.

This is my first time wearing it and I feel like it's to short. Hmmm. Should I change?

I call kylian and tell him to come over here ASAP. I hear him come up the stairs quickly out of breath.

"What happend?"

"Should I wear this dress?"

"Why did you would so worried! And yes you look sexy" he says walking towards me. He smirks grabbing my waist kissing my cheek making me laugh.


"Yeah what heels should I wear?"

I point to my closet and he picks out one of my white tie up heels and tells me to sit on the bed.

I sit down and he gets on his knee sliding the heel on my foot slowly tieing the lace up my calf.

He does the second one then, grabbing my hand helping me off the bed.

"Thank you good sir"

"bienvenue madame" (your welcome maam)

I laugh as we go downstairs and head out the door.

"You look so beautiful tonight"


Kylian took me to this super expensive restaurant where you can literally see the eifle tower out the window

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Kylian took me to this super expensive restaurant where you can literally see the eifle tower out the window.

"What are you going to get?" he asks looking at the menu.

"Hmmm" I say scanning threw the menu which is in French so I only understand every few words.

"Suprise me"

"What if you don't like it?" he questions.

I shrug and he playfully rolls his eyes.

"bonjour des srinks ont commencé pour vous deux ?" the old waiter speaks up with a rich accent.

Kylian answers something in French making both of them laugh. I need to learn it.

"Oh i forgot to ask you, do you want to come to my game tomorrow then the team dinner with me after?"

"Hmm i dont know"

"What why?"

"I dont to be alone ill be bored"

"You can invite whoever but just us going to the dinner okay?"

"Ok- kylian look" I say pointing to a window where there's a bunch of people taking photos.

"Fuck of course!" he says.

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