Me and kylian just went out to breakfast and he wanted to shower since we went straight from traning.
I will never get over how comfy his couch is. I plop on it feeling something touch my leg.
I lift my leg up and see kylians phone. Ouuuu kylians phone.
His lockscreen is him holding some gold trophy which looks so cute. What would his password be?
I type in his birthday which is wrong.
I try Ethans which us wrong too. What could it be?
I try his house code and boom it's unlocked. Would he get mad if I was looking? I mean he shouldn't if he has nothing to hide.
I scroll threw his camera roll to find pictures from our dates and mostly football.
I open messages and the most recent was from someone named Marissa?
I click on the contact looking threw the texts as my heart drops.
hey we still down for tonight? 🤪❤️Me
yeah 😈There was many photos of her showing off her perfect body and kylians too.
Holy fuck we are even dating but really kylian? I swear he wanted me to TRUST him. He's a fucking loser and asshole who gives a fuck about his trust.
Okay wren calm down. I take a fee deep breaths holding in the rage.
I hear his footsteps commuting down the stairs so I quicky turn the phone off throwing it back on the couch.
I feel like screaming at him but I don't want to seem crazy. Fuck I am crazy.
"Weird some girl named Marissa just followed me on instagram" I burt out on accident.
His eyes widen a little and he visibly tenses but quickly stops as I stare blankly at him.
"I thought you deleted social media?" he asks sitting next to me grabbing his phone.
"I downloaded it back yesterday" i say with a shrug not making eye contact with me.
"Are we still watching that one show tonight?" i ask knowing he's stressing out.
"Sorry I forgot to tell you I have a team dinner...." he says rubbing his neck.
"Why did that sound like question kylian?" I ask trying to act normal.
"It didnt"
"Ok whatever your acting weird I'm going to islas I say walking away with no goodbye.
"Fuck isla why me!" i say into her pillow after crying for the past hour.
I'm just so frustrated he could do something like that while we were talking? Fuck what even where we.
"Girl you deserve so much better. Im so sorry"
She says rubbing my back calming me down.
"I don't ever want to talk to him again! Why do I have to live right next to him" I groan wiping my tears.
"Girl live me for a few weeks I don't mind! I live having you over" she days smiling making me laugh.
"isla what if we spy on him?" i say suddenly getting the idea.
"Baby the good friend in me is telling me to say no but I'm so down!" she says getting up.
Okay what am I even doing with my life. We've been waiting outside of my apartment watching kylians car for the past 45 minutes waiting for him to come out.
"Isla do you think this is a bad-"
"FUCK THERE HE IS!" she says yelling searching me off guard. She points to his car and there the one and only Kylian Mbappe is.
He's obviously going somewhere fancy as his clothes give it away. I don't even notice until isla turns on her car and we follow him.
Holy fuck I think this is a bad idea.
"Wait should we stop?" I ask isla.
"No ma'am"
We follow a fee cars behind him as his cars easy to spot. We follow him into another apartment complex parking in the very back.
The same girl from the nudes on his phone comes out in a beautiful red dress and black heels. I feel more betrayed then ever that this is real.
"What the fuck" I say defeated while isla looks at me frowning.
Fuck why us Ethan calling me?! I decline it knowing he would know somethings wrong.
"Want to go home?" she asks quietly and I nod not in the mood to talk. I look out the window feeling warm tears stream down my face.
Fuck I feel so embarrassed that I believed him! Thank God it never got serious......
"Okay girlie I'll let you have some time call me later" isla days kissing me on the cheek making me smile.
"Thank you isla I'm sorry"
"Girl for what! Its not your fault kylians a man whore!"
I laugh closing the door walking to my apartment.
I close the door locking it then walking to my room.
I call Ethan back not factime though so he can't see my face.
"Hey wren how was your day?"
"What happened?" he asks worridly.
"I don't want to talk about it sorry" I say while my voice cracks. Fuck the tears again!
"I'm sorry wren... Do you want me to come down?"
"No E it's okay ill be fine" i say and my voice shows obviously that i'm crying.
"No I will-"
"E I promise I just want some alone time"
"Was it kylian! What did he do?"
"E please..."
"Sorry for pushing but please just tell me what happened"
"Kylian was just...." i say thinking of how i should word it. It is his brother after all.
"entertaining other girls..." I say sounding defeated and he sighs.
"Wait a second" he says and he transfers the call to a factime showing my puffy red eyes.
"Fuck wren I hate seeing you sad" I sighs and I see he's at training.
"I'm sorry-"
"Dont be sorry wren I know he's a bitch"
"E it's okay he's your brother it's my fault for trusting him"
"I'm embarrassed to be his brother!" he says making me laugh.
"E go train I'm fine" i say feeling guilty he's waiting time.
"Okay but we're factiming all night I don't care what you say"
I laugh making him smile. "Okay E have fun training".
"Bye wren have a good night"

break the rules ||kylian mbappe
RomansaRead background to know more about the characters :)