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I woke up with a terrible soar throat and headache. I lost my voice too from this sickness but where could i have got it? I dont think
From Ethan or kylian because they aren't sick and they're the only ones I've been around.

I don't know but I need a cup of something hot to help. I go into my kitchen and reah to the highest self for my tea box.

I grab it and start the kettle.

I feel someone grab my waist and I let pit a scream but nothing comes out. I jolt away and turn around to see kylian laughing. Who the fuck does he think he is?

"I'm sorry" he says laughing still.

I roll my eyes wishing I could say fuck you back.

"Are you sick you look like a mess"

I glare at him and he starts laughing again. His laugh is so high pitched I try not to crack a smile at how goofy he sounds.

"Are you ignoring me?"

I shake my head no and point to throat. He looks confused for a second.

"You want my dick down ur-"

I smack his arm hardly getting him to shut up and he does.

"Owwww!" he says rubbing his arm.

"So you lost your voice?"

I nod and start wondering why he's here.

"So you really don't remember the other night?" he says trying to see if I will lie.

I shake my head no wondering why he keeps bringing it up.

"You would kill me if you knew what happend" he says smirking.

My eyes widen. What would I have done?

"You confessed your love for me and you asked me to mary you"

No fucking way I said that. He better be joking. Honestly I feel to shitty to deal with kylian today. I pour the hot water into my mug putting a the packet in ingoring whatever he's saying walking away.

I sit down on my couch and throw a blanket over my legs feeling cold.

"I like it when you can't talk" he says smirking knowing he's bugging the shit out of me.

He lays his head in my lap holding his phone close to his face texting someone.

"Youre thighs are so warm" he says and I smack his head for making all these comments.

"I should be in-betwe-"

I put my hand over his mouth and he starts laughing.

Does this man really have nothing else to do? I mean he's kylian mbappe.

I grab my phone and text him why he's not at training.

Don't you have training?

"It's canceled cause coach had a family issue or something" he says still scrolling on his phone.

I was about to type something when I get a call from Ethan. I answer and try to say hi but nothing comes out.

"wren you there?"

I try again but nothing comes out. I sugh loudly and kylian grabs the phone holding it to ear.

"It's kylian what's up?"

"Were neighbors how is that weird I'm at her apartment?"

"Yeah she's sick and lost her voice"

"Nah it's fine"

"I'll stay with her"

He hangs up the phone and I hope Ethan comes to the rescue and saves me.

"What movie should we watch I'm bored of the kardashians" he says jumping back on the couch. I shrug not caring knowing I'm going to be asleep in 20 minutes anyways.


"Wren wake up alreaddddy" I hear from under me. I open my eyes slowly and see kylian frowning up at me.

How did I get in this position? On top of him?

"Before you get mad at me I don't know how we got to this position either" he says and I smile wanting to laugh for some reason.

"Man I wish you could talk I'm bored" he says reaching for his phone.

I get mine and text him.

You can leave I'm okay I promise and I don't want you to get sick either

"It's too late know we slept on top of each other! And I don't want to leave you alone when you're sick! I'm mean but not that mean"

break the rules  ||kylian mbappe Where stories live. Discover now