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"Hi, Eddie." You say far too sweetly in response to him, a sentiment which is not at all replicated on your expression. A bellow of smoke exits past your lips, a mushroom of it flitting up around you as you point at the jacket draped on the chair nearby, the ash from the cigarette falling hopelessly from the motion and dropping onto the carpet, the smoldering tip flashing a violent orange. "You forgot something."

You watch as his Adam's apple bobs thickly in his throat, shoulders tense as he looks over the carnage you had administered to his friends. Ringed fingers twisting into the knot of the towel at his waist to keep it in place, his lips purse and nostrils flare with a low huff as he takes a few steps closer. 

He moves to the record player and pulls the needle from the track and turns it off, and you simply sit there following his every move as he does so, silence filling the room in place of music.

With the state of the room, you'd expected more in reaction. 

Disappointment from men was not exactly something you were new to though, so you don't really give a shit. Besides, you were still high on your duplicate feed, simmering with a primal electricity that coursed through you. No matter his reaction to it, your stomach was full and satisfied and you were stronger than ever and had been as such since Jason. Anything after that had been sport for you.

The daggers you glare at him do not falter at all as he stalks closer to you, perching on the arm of the couch across from you, a thigh either side though his towel thankfully remained closed over what was underneath.

Brunette curls, sopping from his shower, fall over delicate pale features as he looks down to his friend on the floor, chest sporting a gaping hole from where you'd torn his heart out and eaten it. Eddie sighs quietly, cursing under his breath before he looks back at you, cocoa eyes shimmering in the warm hotel lighting. 

"So I guess you weren't a virgin, huh?" He speaks properly for the first time, voice far more gravelly and low than you remember it being but then you hadn't exactly been focusing on his voice at that time. 

You're taken aback by his words, biting out a venomous laugh at the insinuation behind them. "So that's what it was, huh? That's why I'm like this now?"

It was almost surreal to you that you were even in this situation. Him, sat across from you, talking civilly when in your mind he'd been gutted and quartered long before now. His shoulder lifts in an absent shrug, eyes hollow and dark from exhaustion. "I don't know, I guess. Not exactly done it before, but it's the one thing the books were certain we had to be sure of, or..."

"Or you get a raging, vengeful succubus out of it. So cute." You finish it for him and he has the decency to look ashamed, cheeks flushing a tinge of pink as he pushes from the couch to come closer, taking the cigarette from your fingers and inhaling a large section of it.

You take the opportunity to look him over. Time was, you'd have given anything to see him like this. Fresh out the shower, still dripping and looking like sex itself. The tattoos smattering his body, the slow dips and curves of his lean muscles. Ah, those were simpler times, hmm?

He takes the cigarette back to his seat and sits on the couch itself this time, legs spread just enough to keep the towel in place and one arm draped over the back of the couch while the other brings the butt of the smoke to his lips. That whole first drag, he simply looks at you. Eyes widening as they scan and study your entire form properly. What you were wearing, the way your thighs plumped out as your legs crossed, the bemused expression set permanently on that sinfully attractive visage of yours. 

Then he takes in the blood on you, and way it almost seemed to compliment you. Like it was made to be worn by you, like nothing more than an article of clothing or piece of jewelry. He'd be lying if he didn't admit to the fact his eyes lingered all to long at the collection of droplets seeping into your plush cleavage. "For what it's worth...Being a succubus suits you."

Acquired Taste // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now