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I walked into the office with the most composed face I could pull and ignore everyone's curious looks.

"I'm never taking a bus again." I said.

Half an hour later, when I see that I'm barely on the seventh page of the document, I let out an exasperated sigh.

I have so much work to do!
How will I make it on time?
Focus y/n, you can do this.
You like this job, and you can't afford to lose it.

Just then my phone pings.

It must be Kat..
There's no time for that now! I will check it later.

I looked at the Gossip Today poster on the wall, where the face of Colby Brock glares at me with a slightly raised eyebrow. It's supposed to inspire me to work harder, but now I can't pull my eyes away from his stare.

Colby Brock.

The currently hottest music producer in LA, the most fearsome employer in entire California...

...and my boss.

He replaces his staff just as regularly as he brushes his teeth.

But truth be told, I'm the first assistant to make it this long in a year, so maybe there's still some hope for me.

Just then, a coworker comes out of Colby's office and mouths.

"He wants you" at me.

Great, So much for that.

I walked into Colby's office and found him looking at some papers.

"You wanted to see me, sir." He glances up and pierces me with his eyes.

"Yes, have a seat." He leans back on his chair and crossed his arms. His lips are a thin straight line, and his eyes are narrowed on me.

oh no, this is it.
I'm about to get fired!

With shaky legs, I take a seat in front of him.

"Mr. Brock..Y- you look lovely today." I smiled.

"I really like your tie, and your skin is amazing, what kind of products do you use?" I asked while smiling.

"Soap." He said.

"Oh...any special kind of soap?"

"y/n, what is this about?" He asked, I froze.

"I'm afraid you're going to fire me." I finally spoke.

"I'm really good at my job, and if you just give me a chance-"

"y/n, please stop talking." He interrupted me. I looked down. There's a brief pause before he continues.

"I'm not going to fire you." He spoke, I looked up at him.

"Y-you're not?" I said.

"No, so calm down and breathe, you remember how to do that do you?" He said.

I closed my eyes and release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I opened my eyes a moment later and I noticed that he's much closer to me now. He is leaning over his desk, watching me carefully, then he rakes his hand through his hair and sighs, and I find myself wanting to do the same.

Get ahold of yourself, woman.

I take another deep breath and blink rapidly to shake off the feeling I just had.

"So.. why did you call me then?" I asked.

"Im traveling to Las Vegas tomorrow to get an exclusive contact with the new pop star singer Emma Heart.

you make me lose control, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now