chapter 5

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Soon all of them were taken to the canteen. Officers left them and stood beside the door keeping their eyes on them and started having conversation .

“ hey …that’s jeon Jungkook right ?” a short officer asked looking Jungkook who was standing in the middle of canteen with no idea what to do .

“ Yes “  other officer replied without disturbing his posture and eyes from other prisoners. 

Few more officers came with prisoner in the canteen and stood beside them .

“ I heard his manager asked to keep Jungkook in safe place …I see that our head find kim Taehyung the safest which is true but who is going to safe Jungkook the singer from Taehyung the gangster “ officer scoffed looking Taehyung who was taking his tray to an empty seat .

“ that’s true …but the big news is still there “ the short officer says with his mischievous smile , every officer standing there came near this short officer to hear clearly even that disciplined officer brought his ear Little closer to the other “ I heard that new officer is coming and that officer is too young from any of us but he is head of ours “

Other listening officer nodded .

“ and he personally asked our chief to be stationed in second floor …can you imagine where officer like us don't like going that young boy asked chief to be stationed there ”

“ he must be some kind of lunatic …”

While officer were talking Jungkook was busy observing other prisoners , he saw with his doe eyes , everyone taking food from one side in their tray and sitting on the chair as convenience .

Jungkook also slowly took the tray and started walking in the queue taking food but the food was nothing like a edible food and look more like garbage . Smell was even more disgusting .

Jungkook eyes teared up looking at his food try , suddenly a glimpse came in his mind where he was happily taking food in his tray with other crew members of shooting and eating with them happily but this food was nothing compared to that

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Jungkook eyes teared up looking at his food try , suddenly a glimpse came in his mind where he was happily taking food in his tray with other crew members of shooting and eating with them happily but this food was nothing compared to that .

But he has no choice , he held tightly tray and started searching for the seat where he could sit quietly and have this garbage lookalike food , suddenly his eyes fall on the seat which in the last corner of the room with no one on it .

This made Jungkook smile a little , since he came here this was the first time he smiled . He quickly ran and sat on the empty chair happily. He was happy to be alone and eat his food . This was the first good thing happened to him .

But no happiness stay for long and he was also not exception .

He was going to have finally one bite of his food when suddenly , the spoon was thrown away on floor .

“where do you think you are sitting ?’

Jungkook was looking at his spilled food on the floor with sad eyes that he didn’t notice someone coming near him . He turned his gaze and saw 3 man with big bodies and biceps , standing cross hand looking at him .

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