chapter 48

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Two man wearing black suit opened the gate for Hoseok to go inside the building and bowed down “ sir !!” 

Two man wearing black suit opened the gate for Hoseok to go inside the building and bowed down “ sir !!” 

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Hoseok bowed down his head lightly and walked inside a building with hands in his pocket . There were more men in black seated on the sofa and as soon they saw Hoseok entering the building all of them bowed down .

“ Okay .. okay “  Hoseok said telling them to stand properly and one of them came running towards him and handed Hoseok a black file which Hoseok opened It instantly .

“ Everything is prepared sir “  the boy said to which Hoseok nodded “ good “ he closed the file and looked the boy “ there should be no problem okay “ to which boy nodded in response.

Hoseok handed that file to the boy and started walking to go upstairs but before going upstairs he smirked tilting his head to look the boys behind “ can you all watch those porn in the room please those voices were echoing the building “

Boys started panicking hearing Hoseok “ no .. no sir we .. we were not watching porn “ . Hoseok smirked and started walking upstairs

“ I told you to slow down the voice “ one of the boy scolded the boy who was holding the phone “ I did slow down the voice but sir ears are sharp what can I do “ saying this he accidentally touch the play button on the phone which resulted moaning voice echoing in the house again and Hoseok was still on stairs.

“ shit ..shit “ the boy panicked and started clicking the random button on his phone to stop the voice but Hoseok already heard it and started smirking “ these boys “  he said shaking his head lightly and walking upstairs .

“ BREAKING NEWS : a few hours ago the prison" we seek justice "caught the fire ..citizens and Officers are trying their best to cool down the fire but the fire is spreading very badly… .”

As soon Hoseok heard the news the smile on his face vanished Instantly and was replaced with shocked . He turned and came running down the stairs to the boys “ I am sorry sir it was mistake “ the boy apologized bowing down but Hoseok just ignored him and snatched his phone from him to hear the news again “ fire brigade are on their way but due to traffic fire brigade are still stuck between the traffic “

Boys standing around him were confused looking Hoseok fearful expression “ what happened sir ? “ one of them asked but Hoseok was in no position to reply . He was scared to his core  “ S.. su.. suga. “ he stuttered hearing the news , he felt his heart sinking.

 “ fuck “ he cursed and ran out of the house calling someone on his phone panicking “ Pick up .. pick up .. PICK UP DAMNIT” he was praying continuously while running but the ring kept on going and no one picked his phone which made his anxiety go next level.

One of the boys standing by the car said, "Sir," but Hoseok simply pushed him to the other side, causing him to drop to the ground and take the driver's seat. While continuing calling ,  he drove out of the mansion in full speed.

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