chapter 88

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Jungkook was going out of the house anxiously when he finally heard the gate opening “ hyung, do you know what is the time? I was worried for you scared me !!!! “ he scolded but his expression changed when he saw Namjoon coming inside the house all tipsy he couldn’t  believe his eyes for second “ hyung … !! “

Namjoon looked up “ ohh my Jungkookie “ and smiling with red flushed cheeks he bounced on Jungkook . “ hyung , !!! Why did you drink so much ? “ Jungkook carefully took Namjoon to the sofa holding him from the waist and made him sit down on carefully .

Jungkook also sat down in front of Namjoon with shocked filled eyes “ hyung is something wrong? Are you tensed ? You never drink then what happened today ? “ Jungkook rampaged his mind to think about the reason and only one thing came in his mind “ was it because I took you back home that’s why ? “

Namjoon keep on shaking his head “ its nothing like that Jungkook.. “ .

“ then whats wrong hyung ? Tell me I will help you “ Jungkook was getting worried.

Namjoon sighed moving his head down “ I also don’t know what is happening to me Jungkook.. I am just not getting why am I so much affected because of him even though he hurts me “

Jungkook frowned “ who hurt you hyung ? Who are you talking about? “ he was getting anxious .

Namjoon turned to Jungkook “ Jungkook I thought I am okay without anyone untill I have you and Sejini with me I don’t need anyone but … but he … I don’t  know  what is happening to me … since I saw him again I just can’t  take him out of my mind… “ he held Jungkook hand “ what should I do Jungkook? “

Jungkook thought for a moment and then looked Namjoon “ hyung … can you tell me in detail what happened? “

Namjoon gave an account of everything he saw yesterday , saying, " .....And today I don't even know how and when I went there and by the time I realised I was already in that pub.. then I thought I would just see him if he was okay and come back but couldn't move until that slave and master thing started....I couldn't watch him getting hits and drank the alcohol they were giving but it was so strong and ended up vomiting in the street.. Namjoon groaned heavily and buried his face between his hands, asking, "What's wrong with me... Jungkook , this isn't me ..this isn't me "

Jungkook brought his hand above and removed Namjoon hand from his face “ hyung … you are in love “

Namjoon was stunned “ what !! .. “ and started shaking his head “ no .. no I don’t love him .. I can’t  love him … I only loved sunhoo .. and .. and I have Sejini with me “

“ Hyung … hyung hear me out  “ Jungkook stopped Namjoon from panicking placing his hand above Namjoon hand “ hyung when sunhoo hyung left us ... you were too young …you were just in your 20s at that time …you also was suffering from the loss your family “ Jungkook eyes started tearing up “ but still you took care of me like a big adult even though you were pregnant… you gave up your everything just for my treatment…then with so much difficulty most importantly all alone had Sejini because I was busy with my shit “ Jungkook cursed himself as tears fall down on their hand .

Jungkook's voice was trembling but he still continued “ and just because I didn’t  want to stay in the same city you left everything behind just for me , you could have better life with Sejini here but ….instead you did everything from selling things on streets to washing dishes in a restaurants just to save  money for my debut… ” .

 Namjoon brought his hand up and placed it on Jungkook cheek “ you and Sejini are my luxury life Jungkook… you are my family ...this is what family does ”

Jungkook shook his head looking Namjoon “ no hyung … I don’t  even know even if my family would have done all this what you did for me ….  “ he moved little closer holding Namjoon hand “ hyung … its time that you live for yourself now …you don’t have to feel guilty for loving someone .... you should move on and live your life too and let me help you for once “

Namjoon with teary eyes  looked Jungkook “ Jungkook … “ and pulled him to the hug  “ you are my everything that I have Jungkook .. you are only reason why I am still alive.. you know all that suffering you are talking about… I never regret that .. never .. even if I have option to choose again I will choose that again “

Jungkook tightened his arms around Namjoon and started sobbing like a child on Namjoon shoulder. Namjoon pulled him little back and wiped his eyes “ thank you for living and becoming such a great person “

Jungkook just couldn’t  control his tears and small sob in between of his crying keep on coming “ l .. I love you hyung . Namjoon nodded and pulled him into a hug again rubbing his back “ I love you more “

Meanwhile Taehyung was going back to his room in MR. KIM mansion crossing Mr. Kim's office but suddenly he heard Mr. Kim shouting which made him stop in his in track .


Mr. Kim shouted angrily and threw his phone in the corner of the room and turned around banging his hands furiously against the table " everything was going good , but then suddenly , out of nowhere a justice light was lit inside that bitch for that stupid singer and i had to kill her to stop her from saying anything...."

"  but i didn't know that bitch would have recorded all my conversation i had with HER otherwise i wouldn't have killed her before i get that thing from her... and now her boyfriend has this much authenticity to blackmail ME ... ME ... " he asked clenching his hand and looking at the laptop screen with his email site opened , there was an audio attached to it with a Letter.

" this is a just sample, but i have all audio of you from where you told her to scam till this singer jeon Jungkook's case ...i am going to expose you and destroy you ~ sofia boyfriend " he again banged his hand against the table.


" WHO'S THERE .." he asked and started walking slowly near the door and banged open the gate to catch whosoever but to his shock no one was there . While frowning he looked left to right but it was lin drop silence. After confirming he turned and went back inside the room .

Meanwhile Taehyung was standing inside his room against the door huffing badly , thank god he saw his father coming on time . He slowly walked inside frowning " so it's sure my dad killed her and she has recorded everything " he said looking at the frame of him , sofia and hoseok ,on his side table " i just have to find that evidence " He said with a deep frown looking in the distance.

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