chapter 74

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Jimin was peaceful sleeping on the rooftop under starry sky , suddenly some voices disturbed him . He opened his eyes slowly and saw Jungkook and Taehyung were not there with him. 

He sat up looking around but because he just woke up , his eyes were still blurry . He blinked his eyes many times and then suddenly saw someone standing near the stairs.

“ Jungkook  … Taehyung .. where are you two going? “ Jimin asked standing but he didn’t know why he was feeling a little dizzy maybe because of a lot of crying, he didn’t know , he quickly held his head and started walking towards them  but every step he was taking was very heavy for him to take .

“ Taehyung.. Jungkook .. I am not feeling good .. “ he said but again no reply came .

“ Jimin .. you don’t need to come near us “ Taehyung words confused Jimin “ why ? .. “ he thought for second and then realized “ ohh , Don’t worry … I am good .. just little dizzy “

“ No .. you should go to him .. “ Jungkook pointed somewhere behind Jimin . Jimin looked back and what he saw made him awake in seconds

“ M.. MIN.. MINHOOO “ 

Minho was standing near the edge of the building looking them with a smile . Jimin couldn’t understand what was happening .

“ you loved him .. even hide truth from us… on top of that .. when you were with us .. you were still thinking about him .. Jimin we loved you but this is how you are going to pay back “ Taehyung was angry .

Jungkook has tears in his eyes “ Jimin .. why did you do that ? “

Jimin turned his head and looked them with scared filled eyes “ Taehyung, Jungkook… I told you last night .. I .. I had no choice ... I explained to you both everything why i couldn't tell you both the truth ... because i was scared “

“ I knew it you don’t love me Jimin .. you never did .. “ Minho complaint clenching his hand “ .. if you have loved me .. you would have chosen me “

Jimin turned his head to Minho panicking “ no .. I loved you .. I really loved you minho ..but at that time I .. I had no choice “

“ no choice choice ...why only you have no choice.. huhh ? “ Taehyung asked making Jimin look him “ why you can’t solve simple things ? “

Jimin breath and heartbeat were out of control “ Taehyung , Jungkook .. listen to me .. “

“ no .. you listen to us … “ Jungkook cut Jimin midway as tears flowed down his cheeks "  .. this time we have no choice than to leave you .. “ he held Taehyung hand and started walking downstairs .

Jimin heart sank “ no .. no wait Jungkook .. listen to me Taehyung wait .. “ he was going to run behind them .

“ you will never be happy Jimin ...never “ Minho wiped his tears and waved to Jimin “ bye Jimin ....”  and as soon as he said this, he fell backwards.


Jimin sat up screaming, he was huffing and sweating all over his face . He immediately looked behind and saw no one was there and now it was no longer starry night but dazzling sun was in the sky .

Slowly, slowly his breath started coming back “ it was a nightmare .. it was just a nightmare “ he tried to comfort himself closing his eyes but suddenly a thought made him open it again.

He looked around and saw Taehyung and Jungkook were not there and found himself alone just like in his dream . His heartbeat started beating fast again “ no .. no .. that means that was not a dream… it really happened? “ he was not able to distinguish between reality and dream .

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