chapter 59

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Taehyung was hesitating but he couldn't resist this gift and just accepted the gift , saying" thank you" and like any other kid he just ripped open the box to see the gift inside excitedly and what he saw made his small eyes went wide " woww , its the puzzle game which i wanted" that small gift made him so happy that he forgot for a second that he was crying  , he looked the lady smiling widely" thankyou so much.. noona " he bowed down like a big men .

The lady chuckled " such a good boy " she said ruffling his hair.

" Can i please this now .. please?" He asked excitedly to the lady who smilingly nodded but soon he remembered he was not at his home but in dad friend's house .  He turned his head to his right to take permission " can i play with this dad ?"

Mr. Kim looked Taehyung with a frown " do as you want" and walked out of the room leaving Taehyung in the room .

Taehyung clenched the box tightly feeling lonely and was going to cry again looking at his father going outside leaving him alone .

" don't cry .. i will tell him that we want to play with you .. he will not scold you .. i will go and talk with your father..okay " she suggested smiling  to which Taehyung nodded innocently . She smiling patted on Taehyung shoulder and walked out to talk with mr. Kim " wait .. kim.."

When she was gone Taehyung was alone in the room with two mem , standing nervously . He decided to ignore them and looked at the game which the lady just gave him .

One of the them walked towards him " you kid .. want to play with us ?" He was so drunk that Taehyung as a kid even tell that he had been drinking for a long time.

Taehyung got nervous looking such a big person in front of him , so he just shook his head , placed the box down and passed the men to run and follow his dad but before he could the lady came inside.

" Hey kiddo .." as she says smiling, she picked Taehyung up in her arms " i asked your dad and he gave permission to let you play with us but for few hours only"

Taehyung innocently looked the lady " really? Then can we play the game ?"

She smiled and nodded " of course.. we can " She walked inside, made Taehyung sit on the bed and opened the puzzle game in front of Taehyung " you can play as much you want.."

Taehyung was feeling a little comfortable with the lady  , so he smiled widely and started placing the puzzle pieces to assemble them in one but suddenly something struck in his mind. He turned his head to the lady on his left " can i take this at home.. i want to show it to hyung"

She smiled and nodded " ofcourse.. its your kid gift .. take it "

Taehyung was happy, he thinks this was the best gift he could and started playing like any other small kid but the thing he didn't noticed that the lady and two men sat really close to Taehyung.

The lady placed her hand softly on Taehyung back and slowly slid it down till it reached the end of the coat" you must be feeling hot Taehyung.. let me help you " she said and opened the zip of the coat .

Taehyung was so busy in his game that he didn't notice what was happening . She removed the coat and with that she even opened the pants of Taehyung saying " you will feel relaxed"

She looked the men and moved his head lightly signalling them to out of the room . The men in return smiled nodding and walked out the room leaving Taehyung and the lady .

Taehyung noticed the men going and to be frank he was not feeling happy that those men have gone , he is now alone with noona who looks better than those men .

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