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5 years ago I washed up on the shores of Neverland. The local mermaids found me adrift in the vast ocean, they saved me and brought me to beach where I laid for what felt like hours. Watching the sun swing across the sky and the birds fly above. I couldn't tell you if it was because I was sore or tired or both, but I couldn't bring myself to move an inch.

When I finally gathered the strength to stand I gazed at my surroundings. To the right was a large crescent shaped rock cliff, to the left beach as far as the eye can see. All of which was sandwiched between ocean and forest. The forest was beautiful with large trees and various types of fruit and nuts. The forest still looks just as beautiful as it did that day.

It took me a while but eventually I built myself a small tree house on top of one of the largest, tallest trees I could find. It has no stairs, but I could get up just fine. I hoped this would keep everyone else away, and until now it worked wonders. I learned that there were pirates and fairies and lost boys that lived on this island. I did my best to avoid all of them. There's a small village a good trek away from my home, here is where I learned most of what I know. Well from the village and the mermaids. I tend to visit my saviours as often as I can, bringing them things from the surface they could never hope to get. I braid their hair in the sun. I would easily call them my friends. At some point in these past years I ended up meeting a fairy. She was kind and beautiful and called herself a tinkerer. She said she made things and offered me a pair of beautiful hand made leaf shoes. Their the softest shoes I have ever left in my life. She taught me to sow well enough that I could sow my own clothes. I haven't seen her for years, and I worry something happened but there's no way for me to find out. So here I am, living a life I could've never dreamed of, with no recollection of where I came from or how I got here. But deep down I can't help but feeling that I don't want to go back where ever back may be.

A few months ago something unusual happened. I was standing on my porch one evening as I usually do singing a tune I remember from somewhere when someone began singing back. It was a deep sultry voice and after my momentary fright didn't scare me at all. We sang that evening until the sun departed. Then he left. Ever since then he's returned and listened to me sing, and every so often he'll stay and we'll chat. I on my balcony and he sitting on the branch of a tree not so far away.

"If you ever need help. Just call my name. Yell it loud and long and I will hear you and come. No matter where on the island you are." He told me, and I never planned to use his kindness. Until now.

As I rush through the woods two persists hot on my trail I can't possibly think of a way out of this one. They have knives and swords and I have nothing, not even my basket of sweet apples I was picking. I live my life low, I try not to draw any attention to myself at anytime. Some instinctual fear tells me that's how I get hurt. So I leave my house when it's safe and light out. I travel to well known places and most of all off the beaten path. I found a plentiful sweet apple tree not far into pirate territory, I travel there once ever week or so to gather apples. This time was like any other, and I've never met another soul. That is until two pirates came from no where, they weren't interested in the apples. I knew they wanted to hurt me. So I ran, as far and as fast I could back to The King's region, but they persisted even though it was against their rules. The list in their hearts clouded their judgement. With all the fear in my heart I yelled as loud as I could, "Vane!" I kept screaming, hoping he would come as he said he would. The pirates kept catching up. The broken foot they gave me before the chase has really slowed me down. That's when the worst happened. My clumsy foot caught the foot of a tree, pulling me down to the ground with a hard crash.

"Vane!" I kept screaming, when one of their hands grabbed my ankle, pulling me across the leaf covered ground. "Get off me!" I yelled, kicking at their hands and chest. It didn't stop them.

"Calm down, we just want to have a little fun." One sneered, grabbing my other foot. "It won't take long. Promise."

"Vane!" I screeched, the tears tightening up my throat.

"Oh shut up." The other one said, punching my head into the ground. I felt immensely dizzy after that. "Tie her." He said, and before I knew it my arms were tied behind my back as my vision wavered. This was what I've been fearing for years. I've been so safe, so cautious. Was there anything I could do to have avoided this fate?

"Vane." I breathed, little more than a whisper as I laid my head on the hard ground.

That's when all the hands covering my body let go. Screams from the men could be heard before quickly silenced.

"I'm here." The familiar voice spoke and I could feel comfort wash over me.

"You really came?" Asked, still in disbelief.

"I promised." He asked as the ties around my arms were cut. "Can you stand?" I could feel the light touch of his hands and he helped me to stand.

"Ya, I'm fine." I lied, the dizziness in my head caused the world to spin. I couldn't even remember what way my home was. With my first step I went crashing down into Vane's arms.

"That's what I thought." We're the last things I heard before passing out.

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