Casual morning

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I change into a pair of sweat pants and shirt that fit alright, followed by throwing over a large sweater. I practically drown in it. I'm immediately encompassed by the warmth. Then the exhaustion hits me. With the comfiness of the bed below I find myself lying down. In mere seconds I've passed out.


After a good 15minutes go by I start to worry. Leaving the utensils in the kitchen I head to the bedroom, quietly knocking on the door when I get there.

"Angel?" I ask. No response. Without hesitation I swing open to door. My eyes jet to the open window and I start to think the worst. That's when I hear her rustle on the bed. I turn to see her curled up in my massive hoodie, sleeping. She looks so peaceful. I grab the end blanket and tuck her in. She hum a little as she nuzzles into the warm. "Sleep well Angel." I tel her before quietly closing the door.

"Where is she?" Kas asks.

"Asleep. She must have been exhausted." I tell him just as a loud thud can be heard from the patio. Pan and Vane must be back. Not long after the two stalk in, their conversation closing when they see us.

"Where is she?" Vane asks. Not sounding the smudges concerned, what a lie.

"In there. But she's sleeping." They look to one another and collectively agree not to bother her. A woman sleep in this house and not sleep with one of us. How odd.


I woke up some undefined amount of time later, the sweater I wear incapsulating me, warm and comfortable. The bliss of the morning doesn't stay long as I shuffle and awaken the sharp pain from my feet. I need to bandage these at the least. I spot my abandoned dress to the side, without getting off the bed I grab it and begin tearing long white strips of fabric. While making as little noise as possible I wrap the fabric around my ankles. I pain begins to ease as the pressure builds. Once that daunting task was complete I take my time looking around the room. There's a large bay window overlooking the trees with soft morning light poring in. The door to the bathroom is not far from the bed, a large wingback chair sits in the corner. A neat looking wooden chandelier hangs from the ceiling. Overall it's a nice room. It seems early morning, I wonder if anyone has woken up? All I want to do is move, on my own. How long until my ankles will heal?

I manage to crawl my way to the wingback chair and am immediately grateful no one was around to see that struggle. I pop my feet up on the windowsill as I watch the scenery outside. It's quite beautiful, the trees, birds, sun and ocean. Almost as nice as my place. I feel an ache in my chest as I think of my home and how unsafe it is now. Will I ever be able to return to it? Will it ever be like it was before? I try my best to push those thoughts away for the rest of the morning.

In maybe an hour I hear footsteps walk down the hall, followed by a soft knock on the door.

"Yes?" I answer, not knowing who would be getting up first here.

"Good morning Angel." Pan says as he opens the door. I watch his head turn from the bed to the chair. I can tell he's surprised I moved, but I chose not to explain. His eyes then drift down to my feet.

"Good morning Pan." I smile, not wanting to raise alarm.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Better!" I start, he waits for me to say more. "It still hurts. I wrapped them this morning but I'm worried I won't be able to walk for a long time." The concern in my voice all too real. "What am I suppose to do if I can't walk." I begin to stress, locking eyes with pan. He starts to laugh, a low rumble turns into a joyful chuckle. At first I frown, but his laugh is so contagious I can't help but join.

"Your worries have reason Angel, but you don't need to stress that much. We'll get you everywhere you need to go." He smiles with a wink and I can easily see the boy from the beach. "Now, let's get you out of this room." He suggests, rising from the bed. "Anywhere you want to go?" He asks.

"Anywhere?" I quiz.

"Yes, anywhere on the entire island. Well, this half." I've been thinking of the mermaids ever since they helped me. I have to go back and thank them. But that would be too much to ask. As if my body answered for me my stomach growls loud and clear. "Food it is." He picks me up, all these boys seem to do that with ease. As we make our way to the kitchen his voice gets low, "I better not see you trying to walk Angel. If you do I'll take personal offence to it. So don't even try, okay?" He asks it like a question but it's more like a command. I laugh but don't have the time to answer when Vane comes into view.

"Vane!" I can't help but call out. For a brief second I see his lips curl into a smile, it leaves just as fast.

"Morning Angel. How's it feeling?"

"Better." I answer, we make it to the kitchen and I'm set onto one of the islands bar stools. Vane leans against the table beside me. "How are you, are you hurt? Pan said he has to go find you. I'm sorry I caused so much trouble." I ramble to which Vane calms me with a long shh.

"Don't worry about anything Angel, I just want you to heal up. Then the other problems in this world can matter." He places his large hand on my head, I look up to him and smile. He's always so nice.

"Looks like the Angel's finally awake!" Bash loudly commends as he enters the kitchen. "About time." He heads towards the sink, "how about breakfast?" He sets the pan on the stove and gives me a wide smile.

I nod enthusiastically and just like that there's four boys in the kitchen and me. It's not meant to fit everyone but Bash seems to be the only cook as everyone else watches.

I sit quietly soaking in all the action going on around me. I'm. It used to busy mornings, especially with so many people. It's nice to be surrounded by company. They mostly discuss of the days plans. As the morning sun pours in I can already tell there's warmth in these boys.

"Anything you want to do Angel?" Vane asks me, pulling me out of my own thoughts.

"Beach." I can't stop myself from saying.

"Beach, alright. That's a pretty easy request. Let's make today a beach day!" Pan states, receiving a cheer from the twins. They all see so happy.

It doesn't take long for everyone to eat and grab things for the beach. It's kind of cute seeing all these boys grab towels and wear swim trunks. At first I was worried I wouldn't be able to swim since I have no clothes here let alone a bathing suit but Cherry offered me one of her bikinis. It was very nice of her. I put it on in my room, it's pink with red strawberry's scattered about it. I finish my look with a long white t-shirt pan gave me. It fits like an oversized sundress which I don't mind.

"Ready?" Pan asks, leaning against the doorway.

"Yup." I cheer back, "I think it'll be easier if you piggyback me." He lifts a brow quizzically at my statement.

"Do you think any of this is hard Angel?" He uncrosses his arms.

"Well no, you've all proven how easy it is, but I just thought it'd be even easier. Plus, I'll get to see everything."

"Alright. As you wish." He approaches the bed and squats down in front of me, with a scotch forwards I slide onto his back, wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He stands with ease and I rise with him. With a few adjusting hops I'm perched right on this man, sitting a head taller than him.

"Wow, is this what it's like to be super tall. The view it grand!" I joke, pulling a laugh from him as we leave the room.

"Ready boys?" Pan asks the room.

"Yes!" Everyone cheers, including me. Just like that we're all heading down to the beach.

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