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It all happened so fast. I was running from the hideout, dashing along semi familiar paths until I found the beach. From there I made my way to my house. It felt so good to be back in my own home. I climb up the tree and immediately showered, removing my borrowed nightwear. Once I'm cleaned up I debate putting his shirt back on. It was so cozy, but I vote against it and put it in the pile to be washed. Later that morning I eat, followed by reading a book on the balcony. As the sun approaches peak I find myself humming a subtle toon. The birds sing back to me as they often do. In that moment I was happy. That's when I heard the rustling of leaves and sticks. There were heavy feet waltzing along the forest floor. I freeze, it might be Vane, but it might not be. If they don't know I'm here, my house will be the safest place for me. I set down my book, trying to listen to them talk as my heart beats out of my chest. They russel around a bit more, followed by the quieting of their steps. I think they're gone but I don't move until I'm sure. With a bit more fear I spend the rest of my day inside. As the sun begins to set I figure it's time to apologize to Vane. I throw on a pair of loose cargo pants, and a tight t-shirt. Climbing down the tree I take a quick look around before jumping to the ground. There were many thing I could have done better, but I did none of them. As my foot hits the ground I feel the leaves give out. They shouldn't be giving out, I could have landed anywhere else and this wouldn't have happened. Yet there I was, falling perfectly into this sprung trap. I hear a rope tighten as my foot is lifted into the air. In shock I hang. Before I'm able to reach up and unhook myself a few pirates come snaking out of the shrubbery. Shit. They cackle as they cut the rope. I hit the ground hard, making me dizzy. Before I knew it one of the meanest looking men steps on both my ankles. I cry out, it hurts so much. Then one hits me in the head, and with that I black out.

"Wake up." I hear after a bucket of cold water hits my face. I cough, trying not to drown on land. Wiping my eyes I find myself trapped in a large rope net surrounded by pirates. "Good morning." The captain of this ship greets me. I don't answer. "Quiet one aren't you. I was told you can sing. Well it's been a long time since I've been serenaded, if you're as good as my men tell me you are, I might let you live." I would be a fool not to be frightened in this scenario. I take the path of being a mute. I don't say a single word as this man attempts to coax me into singing. "You are a stubborn girl, and my patients has run thin." He starts to yells "fine, die, see if I care. You will not get anything until you sing, no food, no water, no shelter. Nothing. Hoist her up!" Before I know it I'm being lifted above the ship's deck. High above all the pirates. He wasn't lying. I spend 3 days up in that net. Not long after arriving I realized my ankles were strained pretty bad. Walking will be hard.


She sang Hallelujah. It was in a minor chord and rang out over the boat. Her voice was consuming. I felt every worry leave my body despite the cruel words she sang. I knew in that moment that she would be trapped on this boat forever, serenading me every waking hour. I would stop at nothing to keep this morning bird in my cage. Every man, woman and creature aboard froze, lost in a trance lead by her voice. As the song came to an end she began to cry. Hot sloppy tears.

"Please. Let me leave." She cried, before I might have considered letting a useless woman go. But after her display, that will never happen.

"How about this. You sing whenever I want you to. And I let you live." Her eyes open in terror as I step closer to her bounded place. A wave of laughter erupts from my men. "Does that sound like a good deal my dear?" I smile, can't help it. She eyes my teeth, mostly my golden tooth to be sure.

"I don't want to sing." Her raw voice begs. Yet another sound I could get used to.

"I'm not giving you a choice." I remind her. "Try to refuse. I won't show you what mercy is." Her eyes swell with tears. "But lucky for you, I'm a gentleman. So how does a deal sound?" She doesn't speak. "You give me what I want, and I'll feed you, shelter you."

"And safety. I want safety." She butts in. I think of her words. She waits eagerly for my response.

"And you will be safe from all my men. Non will lay a hand on you." She eyes my hook. "Or a hook. My promise."

"Okay." Her voice is quiet, but sure.

"Excellent! Make yourself comfortable. You will begin to serenade us at sunset." I leave her trapped in the net, returning to my quarters.

"Hey!" She calls out behind me. "You can't leave me here!"

"Oh yes I can!" I sing back, "hoist her up." She screams out refusals as my men hoist. My beautiful mocking bird in a cage. Forever mine. To think she was hanging out in a tree, all alone for all these years. And no one knows she exists besides me.


There I hang, in a cage made of rope dangling above pirates who eye me up as if staring at a roast pig made of gold. My stomach curls, this is why I didn't want to meet anyone. I didn't know exactly why all these years I've hidden from everyone, but I knew there was a reason, this is it.

"Oh Angel." Hook comes out of his quarters for a moment. He holds a pile of white clothes. Let's get you into this. He holds up the pile. I don't say anything as they lower me to the floor. The ropes are heavy as they hang off my body. My ankles aching as some of his men come closer and I force myself not to inch away as they undo the cage, letting me step out. For a moment Hook and I stand off. I not wanting to move and him insisting I approach.

"Come here princess." He insists, the way his pet name rolls of his tongue makes me squirm with discomfort. Yet I do as he says, when I'm face to face with him he lets the fabric fall, only holding the shoulders to display a long flowing white gown. It has sheer sleeves with floral patterns and a deep V that stops just before the bellybutton. If I wasn't held here against my will I would say this was a beautiful dress.

"Change." He commands. I reach out and take the dress, rolling the ends so it doesn't dirty against the floor.

"Where should I change?" I ask him, this causes him to bellow with laughter, followed by his men doing the same. "Please." I ask again, holding the dress closer to my chest.

"Smee." He yell's, a woman shows up to his right.

"Right." She says, "follow me." She turns and walks into hooks quarters, I follow closely behind. I didn't know there was another woman here. It makes me feel, just the slightest bit safer. She takes me into the room, closing the door behind us. "Make it quick." She pushes, crossing her arms as she leans back against the door. I listen, stripping out of the outfit I have on and into the white dress. It has a sheer back with a series of white buttons tracing a line down the centre. After I've pulled on the sleeves, and done what buttons I could she comes up behind me, pushing my tussled hair over my shoulder.

"Thank you." I mumble, quieter then I meant to. She huffs in response. "It's almost like I'm getting married." I joke with her, her fingers faulted for a second. "I'd much rather get married to you than anyone on this ship." I laugh half heartedly.

"Well this isn't your wedding night." She seems like she wants to say something more but stops herself. "Done. Let's fix your hair." She continues, guiding me towards one of the many mirrors hung around the room. I take a moment to look at myself in this dress, it really is beautiful. There's a long slit down the left side, it fits surprisingly well for being someone else's dress. I begin taking out my hair from its braids. It flows down my back in a wavy fashion. Smee uses a hairbrush from somewhere and stars working her way up. Eventually she finishes.

"I can do the rest." I tell her, she backs off as I start to grab various front pieces of hair and braid them away from my face. By the end of it I have several small braids crowning my head, the rest waterfalls down my back. "Done." Smee doesn't say anything as she ushers me out of the room.

"And there she it!" Hook haulers from across the shit, his arms held outwards as if wanting a hug. "You look exquisite." He praises, but I don't feel praised. When I don't jump at his compliment he moves on. "Well I'm sure I don't have to tell you where you're staying tonight? But first, a song?" He asks it as a question, but I know better. The night lasts forever, I sing song after song until my throat is raw and every chord hurts. In that moment I wonder if this will ever end.

Vicious lost boys found an AngelWhere stories live. Discover now