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When five met Will, the first thing he noticed despite the destruction that surrounded him was his hands. The way he nervously fiddled with them as he attempted to speak, only for his words to come out in a hushed volume. This, to Five, told him what one could assume by sending a passing glance to the boy. This told him that he was weak, frail, and fragile.

He let his emotion show to a random stranger in the middle of a place surrounded by rubble and bodies. And he hated it. He had grown up being told that he and his siblings would save the world, that they were to never falter to their emotions. Which in all honesty, no one listened to.

Except him. It was easy. And when he saw this boy so vulnerable before him he had almost immediately scoffed in annoyance. But he couldn't just shrug the boy off. Although he was weak, he was also all he had. The only company he would get in this hellhole. He was all he had.

But then, he met Mavis. At this point he had been with Will for more than a year, and in that time his distrust turned to, something different.

It was new. But he didn't mind. Never in his life did he think he would the type to be in a relationship. The word still felt foreign to his lips.

Soon he could truly say that he was in love. In love with Will, and everything about him. The way he smiles in the face of adversity. How kind he can be to the strangest of people. Maybe that's what brought upon his initial interest.

Will was all the things Five was not.

Which is what Five thinks happened with Mavis. She was also vastly different from him. It seems he has a type.

But he shook those thoughts from his mind as much as he could. The way she would smile mischievously whenever it calls. How it seemed she always understood his deep worry for Will's well-being, even though he was just as capable as the rat of them. Her thoughtfulness, excitement.

No, no he couldn't be. He wouldn't- shouldn't be.


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"Ugh" groaned, Mavis as she fanned her face. The clouds had suddenly become shy, and they were quickly met with blistering heat. The boys of course, felt the glares of the sun, however they let the lavender haired girl speak for them. And she did

"When are we actually going to do something?" she asked, the latter was standing in an alley, having learned their lesson, when being in the public eye. Unfortunately the buildings surrounding them were no match for the sun that felt like it was targeting them specifically. Will nodded in agreement with the girl, and the two looked over at five for an answer. The man had appointed himself leader of their little taskforce, and the others held no complaint.

Five let out a sigh, as he looked up from the device he held in his hands. The tracker that showed the supposed location of their targets, had directed to this spot. The thing was, they were nowhere to be seen. Will could not hear the thoughts of anybody that would match what they were told. At least not within his area of reach.

"Well," he started as he turned to the two. He held a nonchalant expression, as he explained, "this thing is clearly not going to be of much help. If anything, the only thing well found here would be their tracking chips scattered somewhere." Mavis held a bored expression, as in her mind— and she assumed the other two's, it would have been stupid of the targets to not have taken out the thing that would get them caught.

Well, they were have been stupid enough to think they could get away scot free with valuable information from The Commission, without having agents sent after them.

Will's face perked up, feeling a familiar prickle down the back of his neck as the hairs there raised. He looked around, as Mavis, and Five were standing beside each other, discussing their next move. Unbeknownst to Mavis, whenever she would slightly lean more in his direction, the boy made an effort to etch a bit away.

The blond's attention was then directed towards a dark corner to the right of the group. He felt a strange tinge, throughout his head. Like something or someone was calling him. But he saw nothing, only shadow, in the corner that was being shelled by the sun's gaze. His eyes narrowed slightly and his head tilted in curiosity.

He only ever felt this way, when he was reading someone's mind. Or when he's being called upon, and the only people who willingly open their mind to him, are the two, who have yet to notice his lack of interest in their conversation.

That's how Will was. Most would assume just because of his puppy-like personality, that most of his strength was because of Five and Mavis. Plus all he could do was read minds. What could a simple mind reader do to someone with a gun? He must only be good for stealthy missions and is unable to actually fight. Oh, how wrong they are.

Will scooted forward an inch before stopping right behind Mavis, who still stood with Five, back facing him. Before he could make any attempt at moving closer, he was pulled out of his head, by the feeling of a warm arm being thrown over his shoulder, and a little bit of weight laning on his side. He turned to meet the chocolate-brown eyes of Mavis.

She had just finished her conversation with Five, and had moved to the blades side, with a bored expression, pointed towards Five. Will assumes she didn't get her way. What that was, he'd never know.

Five looked at the girl, with an unamused expression, clearly he had just barely gotten his way in the debate. While Five told her to stop being childish, Mavis began spitting insults in rebuttal. To anyone, it would look like she actually meant them, but both Five and Will knew her words were merely jests.

But as she spoke, Will couldn't help but keep his gaze on the woman. The way her shoulder length hair swayed back and forth as she spoke, using her free hand to emphasize her words. The way her curls bounced and the way the light of the sun made her lavender-like hair glow.

His eyes moved then to her face. Her really pretty face. the golden-brown glow of her skin, her dark brown eyes, that reminded him of dark chocolate. He then trailed down to her lips. Try as he might, he couldn't look at anything else.

Her perfectly plump lips, and the way they purses, when Five finally silenced her. Will barely heard the counter insult thrown, but it was enough to silence the girl.

He snapped his head forward, closing his eyes and taking a small breath, before opening them in hopes of exercising his thoughts. It was wrong, he knew. He was with Five, and Mavis was her friend.


That's all they were.

Just friends.

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