star sisters relaxing after protecting inara's galaxy 🌌🌟

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( since one day the star sisters protecting the Galaxy from vora that today it was a day off for the lovely star sisters in they home planet radiant stars )

Io: I have never felt this resting on couch since all my life I been protecting the Galaxy from evil and vora

Mew mew: well at less you and your sisters have a day off until tomorrow

Imani: seris I wonder what inara is doing right now in her room, she been in there since we got back from protecting her galaxy

Seris: she cuddling Rosie and not leaving her side rn
Remember they both girlfriends
She wants to be with her all day today resting next to Rosie

Imani: aw she so cute when she wants alone time with her gf 💗🌟

Inara: -cuddles Rosie more while felling asleep next to her while resting my body -

Rosie: aww my babe ❤️❤️❤️
-used my hand to blush her beautiful hair while she sleeps close to me in her bed-

Io: of course we do mew mew

Seris and Imani: night sister Io
We're going to bed early since we have a big day tomorrow to protect our sister Inara's galaxy. We know she doesn't won't to leave Rosie behind due to being overprotective of her but she knows that she will be back to her

Io: aw night my beautiful sisters ✨✨🌟🌟🌟🌌

Mew mew: it seems like star sister sister inara and star sister Imani went to bed early including Rosie
Even tho inara's gf isn't asleep yet

( Back to yago and vora while they visit inara's Galaxy without her knowing because inara doesn't like it when vora is in her galaxy infact she doesn't allow vora in her galaxy one bit or her home planet radiant stars 🌟🌟)

Yago: vora what are we doing in inara's galaxy?

Vora: I have to visit Io and Rosie for short time tonight
Stay here Away from star sister inara's galaxy
-goes to radiant stars planet and see the star sisters home -
Io? She said in a quilt voice

Io: vora. What are you doing here?
If my sisters wake up early and sees you here it's over for us as friends

Vora: I know which is why I came once they want to sleep for the night
And where's Rosie? I have to say hello to her

Io: In her gf's room
resting next to her
she my sister's Inara gf

Vora: okay thanks Io
'Before she went into Inara's bedroom Io cut her off by going in'
What Io?

Io: careful when going in
My sister inara is very overprotective of Rosie that she cuddles her close by for protection and for warmth.

Vora: I will be careful Io
-enters inara's bedroom and see her sleeping  next to Rosie - hi Rosie

Rosie: hi vora
-feels my babe cuddling very close by while she asleep - try not to wake her up
She very overprotective of me that I have to keep her calm by cuddling her to keep her asleep more while your here to visit without her and others knowing 💖💖

Vora: I won't cutie
Say how's life with her and other star sisters.

Rosie: good 😊
My babe inara is a very busy star sister doing her stellar job in the Galaxy with her sisters
That sometimes she wants to be here with me due to overprotective

Vora: aww that is how love is cutie
I need to get going before your girlfriend cuddles you tight and knows I'm here near you
- left the room - Io I have to go now but soon we should hang out while your sisters are busy in the Galaxy 🌌

Io: okay vora
Have a good night.
-lays in bed next to mew mew-

Lian: -runs into radiant stars planet to tell the star sisters someone is kidnapped -

Seris: lian? What's going on we just wake up from this morning.

Lian: that little green man named pip is missing

Imani: us star sisters are on the job to find him and return him back to the realm.

Io: poor pip
I hope we can find him

Inara: same my little sister
I don't wanna leave my babe Rosie along without me protecting her

Seris: she will be alright sis
You will return to her after this 💕🌟

The beautiful star sisters went out to find pip and lucky he wasn't too far away from being missing because he was on one of the maps in the realm

Imani: pip we found ya after you went missing

Pip: oh it's the star sisters pepper
And you didn't think vora kidnap me did you?

Pepper: of course not she not here anyways.

Inara: well we're glad you are safe pip
And back in the realm.
We're going back to our home planet now
-goes to my babe Rosie and cuddles her very close - I'm back my love

Rosie: aw I'm so happy my babe ❤️😘
-cuddles her back-

Seris: what an short mission to get pip back Imani

Imani: yea it is sister seris which where did Star sister Inara went too by the way?

Io: she want to her bedroom where her girlfriend Rosie is at and cuddling her alot.

Seris: aww she loves Rosie so much just like Rosie loves inara alot too ❤️🌟🌟🌟

Mew mew: soon star sisters will go back to the Galaxy to protect it ❤️🌟🌟🌟🌌🌌

Inara: -cuddles her gf very close to my chest that I kissed her lips- Im overprotective of you that I don't like having you here alone while I'm protecting my galaxy from vora with my star sisters 🌟🌟🌌 other then that I'm very happy to protect you my sweet babe 💗💗💗

Rosie: aww I know my cutie 💗🌟🌟🌟

( In the next chapter the star sisters are going back to inara's galaxy to protect it and the planets including they home planet radiant stars 🌟🌟🌟 )

( In the next chapter the star sisters are going back to inara's galaxy to protect it and the planets including they home planet radiant stars 🌟🌟🌟 )

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