Inara's Girlfriend 💖

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( while inara's sisters was out protecting the radiant stars planet while inara stayed home to keep her girlfriend calm & safe )

Inara: -cuddling Rosie alot while kissing her - no one upsets my babe and gets away with it! I'm so overprotective of her! I love you so much my babe

Rosie: awww I love you too 💖
-cuddles her back - I'm so lucky to have you in my life my cutie
I love you so much 💕

Inara: aw I love you more 💖💖💖
My beautiful babe 💕
-holds her close to me not letting go- 💕💕💕💕💕
some man hurt you my love your so sweet
I'm always here to hold you close to me.
My love 💕

Rosie: aww I love you my babe ❤️❤️❤️❤️
-cuddles her more- ❤️❤️❤️🌟

Inara: aww my babe 😚😘
I love you more 💓
-cuddles you more while today march 9th,2023 is my birthday and I'm cuddling my beautiful girlfriend who I love so much that she means everything to me and I love her so much 💕💖💖🌟🌟🌟🌌
I'm overprotective of her
My babe Rosie 😍😍😍

Me: aww I'm lucky to have my beautiful babe as my gf too 💕🌟🌟
I love you so much more ❤️

Inara: -giggles - 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I love you alot more

Io: awww my big sister loves her girlfriend so much 💗

Seris: yes she does Io
That she overprotective of her
that she would do anything to protect her.

Inara: -cuddles Rosie close to me - I love you so much 💕

Rosie: awww I love you more my beautiful gf 💗🌟
-cuddles her back - ❤️

Imani: aww that's adorable 😍🥰

Seris; yea it is 🌟💖💖

Io: aw my sister inara ⭐🌟🌟

- inara is holding a rose in her mouth that she was making a heart with her hands that she was about to ask her girlfriend out on a surprise dinner date 🌹

Inara: -holds rose in her mouth and making an heart - babe I want to take you out to a surprise dinner date 🌹
Outside my sisters set the table with sar light and my galaxy can been seen outside

Rosie: -blushing while looking at her- of course my love 😘💗
I love you 💕
-sits at the table with her-

Inara: - sits while kissing her while holding rose in my mouth -

Rosie: -kissing her back while sitting while trying to eat she was blushing very hard that her cheeks are red like a rose-
Babe you are so cute!

Inara: of course I'm my love ❤️
-eats while seeing her blush 😍😍
Aw your cheeks are very red babe

Rosie: indeed they are
The rose is still in your mouth

Inara: -gives her girlfriend Rosie the rose while continuing to eat-

Rose: aw the rose is beautiful my love ❤️🤩
-still blushing more - ❤️🌟

Inara: aw indeed it is beautiful and aww my beautiful girlfriend blushing still ❤️

It was an wonderful surprise dinner date she and Rosie had 🌹 that Inara and her gf lay in bed cuddling and making out that inara end up getting pregnant because her gf was wearing something.

Rosie: aw did I got you pregnant babe ❤️

Inara: yes 💖💖
But I will make an amazing mommy to the child ❤️❤️
-kissing you -

Rosie: -kissing you back-♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I love you so much 💕

Inara: I love you so much too 💕

( Next chapter will be protecting inara's Galaxy even though inara got pregnant she can still protect her galaxy 💖 nothing won't stop her from protecting her galaxy from vora. )


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