Io goes to school in galaxy 🌟

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( this was before Io and her sisters protect inara's galaxy from vora and way before they became star sisters so enjoy this background story of Io 🌌✨ )

Flying up the stairs and around the door, she practically jumped into her classroom, breathing out a sigh of relief, she had about a minute to spare.

"Io! You made it! Damn I was scared for a bit, that ya' were gonna bail on the first day." Buck waved her over, Io was glad they were in the same class, he was her best friend from middle school. He patted the seat next to his, pulling his bag off the desk after saving the spot.

"It was a close call, but I made it! Thanks for saving me a seat." Io plopped herself down in the chair, breathing a sigh of relief. It's unfortunate that Jenos wasn't in their class, turns out he's actually year twelve, all the cool people were never in her grade.

"No problem, you're so lucky right now, I tried to text you to see if ya' were comin' but you probably left your phone at home." Buck propped his feet up on his desk, rocking back lazily, closing his eyes.

Io turned her body around, surveying the classroom. She needed to scope out who she was going to try make friends with first, she couldn't just hang around with Buck all year, then people were going to think he was her boyfriend, which he is not, best friend. How do people get that mixed up so often?

When spying around the room, she spotted three girls who looked weirdly familiar, the same feeling she got when she met Jenos this morning. But she had no clue where exactly she had seen them. There was a girl sitting in the far back corner of the class, big fluffy pink hair half pulled into two buns on her head, standing stark against her brown skin and casually chatting to some other girls in the classroom. Another girl with an air of familiarity sat in the front of the class, pale green hair and bangs long enough to cover her eyes, but they were brushed to the side of her face. Sitting a few seats behind her was another girl, so tall she could barely fit in the desk, wavy brown hair pulled into a high ponytail.

Io wasn't sure what it was about these girls, but just looking at them made her feel like she knew them from somewhere.


"So, Buck, do you think you did good? I'll bet you're gonna be coughing up my ice cream by next week!" Io playfully taunted, Buck smirked, the two were fairly positive they had both won. They were walking out of the school gates, they lived on the same street so they got to walk home together.

"Hate to say this Io but I did pretty damn good." Buck taunted in return, poking his tongue out to the girl below him and she poked hers out in response.

"Are you sure, because I don't think that's true. Well then, if you don't mind going first, remember names for it to count."

"Okay so, at the forced partner thing this morning, I met Tyra, yeah? She offered to introduce me to her friends that were on track team, and I met Viktor, Strix and Kinessa. I left them in the middle of lunch since I had to go to the bathroom and while I was walkin' around the school I hear somethin' coming from the music club's room so I went to check it out. Turns out it was a band in the music club that was just jamming out with some like indie style music. I got to watch for a bit and once they were done I went and talked to the singer. So I met Koga, he played guitar and sang, Zhin was second guitar, Sha Lin played their keyboard and Skye did their drums. He was a cool dude and said they were looking for a bass player, and y'know how I took bass since like year 6? So I was thinking about doin' that. They're called The Thousand Hands, it's really cool."

Oh god damn that's a lot of people, and he even has an idea for a club already?

"I think it's safe to say you won, but only this time! I'm not losing our next challenge."

Moseying out of the classroom with her lunchbox, Io perused the back of the school grounds looking for her new friend. She only had a vague idea of where the bench was. She had left her transformation trinket in the classroom, glad to be rid of MewMew, even if it was only for a little while.

Oh, Imani wasn't there. Someone else was there. Her brown hair tied into a high ponytail, bouncing one of her legs up and down and playing with her thumbs in her lap. Io saw no reason to not approach and still sit on the bench.

"Hey! Mind if I sit next to you? My name is Io." Io politely walked up to the girl, her exasperated face turning to calmness, clearing her throat and nodding.

"I don't mind, it would be good to have some company actually. My name's Inara." The girl stopped bouncing her leg, averting her eyes to Io in an attempt to concentrate and stay composed."

After all those time  living on radiant stars planet they are star sisters after all

Io: I love you sisters so much 💕

Seris: we love you too Io

Imani: agree

Inara: I love y'all so much including my gf Rosie 💋💋💖

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