Galaxy watching 💖

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Inara: io please keep watch over my galaxy while me and seris guards the planets in galaxy

Io: of course sister inara I would do anything for you

Inara: thank you sis as I love you so much -left with seris -

Io: -keeps watch over my oldest sister's galaxy -

Imani: I see she left you in charge keeping eyes on her galaxy again io sister

Io: yeah that she currently with sister seris at the moment while I been watching her galaxy plus her unicorn in radiant stars stables

Inara: seris it seems everything here is very peaceful lucky that I'm the protector of my galaxy plus our galaxy too

Seris: I agree sister inara that your stars are shining beautiful over the sun like it's bright as the sun which it's so pretty stars too

Inara: awww thank you seris, I'm glad you agree my stars behind me are beautiful as they protect me from getting hurt by vora!!
I still don't trust her because she an villain to us star sisters

Imani: yeah sister

Io: I know you don't trust her my beautiful oldest sister inara that I love you so much sis

Inara: I love you to io
My little sister
Back to protecting the galaxy with my beautiful sisters

Seris: indeed which it's very beautiful in the galaxy that the Stars are shining bright like yours sister inara

Inara: yes as I love my stars my sister seris
I love protecting my galaxy from vora! I do not trust her still even tho she friends with io but still I'm overprotective star sister and still won't trust vora.

Imani: we understand sister inara that we love you so much

Seris: yeah agreed we do as us star sisters have to stay together in our galaxy that's for sure

Inara: yes protecting galaxy with y'all is my most important thing
Including protecting my girlfriend Rosie! She my most beloved girl in my life that I love her so much

Io: aww indeed you do sister inara.

Seris: let's keep protecting the galaxy before nightfall comes around in the realm and galaxy with our planets and stars

( While the star sisters are protecting the galaxy from yago and vora far away from inara's galaxy and radiant stars planet vora was talking to her friend yago )

Vora: -thinking -
How can I visit Io again without her sisters knowing I'm there? Hmm

Yago: you could go at night since inara doesn't trust you or like you even tho she find out you and Io are friends

Vora: that's the problem yago
I can't go to her when she with her sisters during the day because they will be protecting the galaxy from us and the realm plus they home planet radiant stars
Have you seen that planet? Filled with stars, stable for they horses and everything even the planets and galaxy can be seen there all the time! Like wow!

Yago: something you don't see everything huh? Well at least you can see inara's little sister at night while she,Imani and seris are asleep

Vora: very true.

Back to the star sisters--*

Io: sisters this is so much fun being with y'all protecting our galaxy

Seris: yes Io it is as inara is very proud of protecting it since she the queen of the galaxy

Inara: blushing - please
I love my galaxy and my girlfriend Rosie!
Infact last night I was kissing her and cuddling her last night that I couldn't leave her side in my star galaxy bed I was holding her very close to me not letting go! She mine!!

Imani: easy sister inara we know she very important to you that we love you for that ✨🌟

Io: yea we do

Seris: aww that's so cute sister inara

Inara: thank you sisters and yes sister Imani she is as I love her so much!
Back to protecting the galaxy we go!

( Next chapter will be coming soon once I think of more ideas to write maybe ash can help ) ♥️🦄

Star Sister of the realm and the galaxy Where stories live. Discover now