io's Dream of her worst villain before being Friends

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you the right to force people into things and make them bow to you, so stop it!” She said her demands sternly, “ that, and I’ll be your queen, a-and we can rule the galaxy together...” she almost sounded reluctant to let the words slip off her tongue. She didnt KNOW Vora... but her job was to protect the universe and if being with her was the way to do it... then what choice was there.

Vora flashed her grin and nodded, “If it be what you ask of me, consider it done!” She said, pulling away to stand and clapping her own hands together happily. “Oh, I’m so excited!!! We will bring this universe into a new rule of order and peace! You will hold the power of the stars! Galaxies at your fingertips! Oh, what a delight!”

Io gently placed a hand to Vora’s arm to stop her rant, “Hold on, Vora, what does me being your queen mean..?” She asked quietly, her suddenly feeling the worry over the fact she hadn’t asked for clarification on what it meant BEFORE she agreed. “Annnnd, will I get to go back to my realm and see my sisters? Like, ever...?”

“Oh, it’s simple! You’ll be mine!” Vora’s eyes seemed to glow and twinkle as the moon perfectly caught the line of her face as she tilted her head a bit, “It’s like we’re lovers! How a queen and a queen ought to be!” She had an innocent smile as she explained as if her initial request explained itself, “and once you’re queen, you can go anywhere in the galaxy you’d like! Even if it’s to go visit your... sisters.” She rolled her eyes at the mention of Io’s allies.

Io was about to reply, before she was gently tugged to the end of the room, where a giant window resided. She nervously glanced at Vora, before looking out the window the elf had guided her to. It was the galaxy itself. The stars, the cosmos, the planets, the moons, everything. Her immediate reaction was a tiny gasp, her chest struck with a feeling of wonder and awe for she had never seen a sight as lovely as this.. it was everything she’d ever dreamed of. The galaxy, and all it’s wonder and beauty, displayed in front of her with the most picturesque scene imaginable. It was everything she fought to protect.

It was only then she remembered to actually take a breath, not even comprehending she had held it in the first place.

The conqueror offered a slight chuckle at this as she had gently placed a hand on Io’s shoulder, “All of this will be yours too, Io.” She spoke, her opening her other hand and letting stars straight from the cosmos leak out and disappear into the air they fell to.

Io was awestruck. The scene, the softness to the villain she had thought would be her demise, the ridiculous circumstance that took them 5 whole seasons to get to and felt like a randomly generated ending, and the way Vora was gushing her affection like a high school girl talking to her crush. Humorous considering she used to be the bane of Io’s existence for those 5 seasons. She really felt like she needed to be pinched and to wake up from whatever dream she was having.

But then again, even if it was a dream, did she really want to wake up?

The Stellar Protector shook her head quickly, snapping herself out of the trance that staring into the cosmos had put her in. She looked up to Vora, “If this was your intention the entire time, why did you not just take me sooner?” She asked, curiousity obvious in her tone.

“I had to be sure you were..” Vora paused, not really wanting to describe Io as ‘worthy.’ She didn’t want her new queen thinking of her as a cocky brat! “Well, the right choice.” She said calmly. “I was afraid of my heart getting broken, and I still am.” She admitted, shame in her eyes as she looked away from Io, “I wasn’t sure I’d even really actually get this far..” she mustered up a smile, “I may have all the power in the stars.. but that can’t make someone love me.”

All Io could manage was a little smile and a joke, “I always wondered if there was ever a way we could win you over to the side of friendship and peace, but it seems the power of love was the right choice this whole time.”

“And what was that you said about me not knowing the path of love?” Vora slyly hummed.

In response Io jokingly scoffed and made a soft hit on the taller woman’s arm. “Yeah, yeah, I guess I was wrong.”

Silence fell between the two, it masked the grand room in a surprisingly comfortable feeling despite silence usually being the opposite. It stayed this way, before Io’s face shifted to one of horror, “Oh my stars! How am I going to explain this to my sisters!?!?” She grabbed the sides of her face and paced around a bit, “I’m pretty sure they, um, a-aren’t the fondest of you..” That fact was obvious.

“I never wouldve guessed! You mean to tell me they dont like me!?" Vora scoffed jokingly. "My heart! How rude of them!" That earned her another soft hit to the shoulder from Io.

"I-I'm serious!!!!!" Io pouted, "They've been worried about me since you found out my identity! But how am I going to explain we're basically engaged and you're a.. umm.. not a villain anymore! They wont trust you!" She whined, "I know you wont hurt me, you would've done it already if you were going to, but my sisters... Oh stars! Inara is going to kill you! A-and me!!!! Not to mention how Seris and Imani will scold me, I-I'm doomed!"

"I would like to see her try and lay a finger on me, ha!" Vora smugly challenged. "But! If you wish to return to your realm and your Star sisters then I have no problem with that. I think its best you explain this all to them and get all of... THAT solved." Vora said as she pulled her scythe towards her and spun it in her hands. She stepped away from Io, and with a swift slash of the scythe, a tear in the galaxy’s rift had been made. “Step through this, and you will be returned to your realm.”

Io: -woke up and scared - knowing she dreamed about her secret friend who used to be her villain,her oldest sisters seris,inara,Imani doesn't like or trust vora at all still that Io been keeping they friendship a secret from her sisters

( Adding more later )

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