//Part 4//

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                                                          //Back on earth//

Things were worse than ever, all vegetation was dying and people were losing hope, until they found that phil and techno still had food and their vegetation was still growing. Banding together the entire SMP went to look for answers from the two men.

The SMP was a mix of dead plants and ruined buildings, but the closer you got to techs house the greener it got. They approached the house with caution, as the last time they had come was to execute the almighty blood god.

Knocking, a tired looking phil opened the door, "hey mate whats up?" Phil asked wearily "Well Phil we've noticed that no matter how dead the rest of the smp is your land continues to prosper. Why is that?" Quackity asks

Phil looked around nervously "Well, umm why don't ya'll c-come in s-so we can t-talk."Phil said everyone was shocked he stuttered and looked nervous, that was very unlike him

As we all piled in his house, we heard stomping down the stairs, there stood the mighty blood god, looking like he just died and was resurrected. "Phil, do you know if we're allowed back yet? I want to see him already, it's been too long" techno complained. He walked right past us not even acknowledging we were there and walking into the kitchen pouring himself a cup of tea and walking to the sofa and sitting down rubbing his eyes. "Sorry mate, nothing yet but I'm sure they'll send something soon." Phil said reassuring techno

Tommy was the first to speck "Who are y'all talking about phil?" he asked Techno's head shot up "what are they doing here. Phill I told you I don't want them here at all, their reason this is happening, the reason he's gone." Techno said breaking down.

"I think it's best if we talk in another room" Phil said and walked towards the hallway "So what do you want to know?" Phil asks Quackity once again speaks first "Again why is your land still growing and green the whole smp is dead and or dyeing and ya'll are over here all happy and free like you have no problems" He asks getting kinda aggressive Phil sits down and rubs his face looking older than he has in years "That's the thing mate I don't know why? I figured it had something to do with XD and dream ya know. I mean ya'll killed him and XD got mad and this is probably his punishment but I don't know why we were spared. It might have something to do with dream and techno's relationship being how it was, but other than that you would have to take it up with the god himself and he doesn't seem to want to answer, we're waiting on him to return a letter that gives us access to the heavenly plain in the sky to visit" Phil said finishing off "Why would you want to visit dream?" Tommy asks with a bit of nervousness his father doesn't know of his action to cut the older avions wings.

Phil looked at Tommy, his gaze softened, for a moment Tommy thought it was towards him for he had once gazed at him often like that, but now he received little to no nice stares from the man he called his father. "Well dreams like a son to me, he's been coming over since he and techno were 4, I started considering him a son and techno considers him a brother." Phil said smiling softly 

Tommy now knew that Phil cared more about dream than he did him, he scowled. That smile he thought for him was intended for his enemy, no longer could he trust his own blood.

"Phil, let me ask you something." Tommy suddenly speaks up, head lowered wither in shame or disgust, "Do you prefer dream over me, do you care for him more?" he asks "Of course not mate, tommy your my son no matter what I will care for my own children more than anybody else" Phil replies with such sincerity that it could have been true "No admit it, Phil you care more for that bastard dream than you do me!" he shouted "Tommy what has gotten into you I care more for you than I do anyone else!!" Phil stands knocking over the chair he was sitting in.

"You never cared when he was having me exiled from L'manburg!! What about then huh you sided with him!!" Tommy yelled tears starting to stream down his face. In a sudden movement tommy was on the ground and phil had his hand outstretched "You needed to be taught a lesson, you thought you could get away with whatever you wanted because you were a minor, its time to GROW THE FUCK UP TOMAS!! Phil screamed

"I've had about enough of your shit, you think you can get away with whatever cause you blame it on someone else, well that's not how it works tom. But I want you out of my house and I don't want to see you anywhere near here. ANY of you, you lot understand??" He asked switching his attention to the rest of the SMP.

They nodded rapidly and picked up tommy from where he lay on the floor and rushed out the house as quick as they could. Looking back they realize they should have stopped tommy's rant and asked more questions, now they would never have that chance.......


A tall figure was looming over them, at least seven feet tall, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YA'LL ARE DOING WITH OUR PRIVETE GUESTS!!" ?????? Said 

We all looked in the direction of the voice and we're shocked to see...........

"DREAM XD!!!" George shouts  

"Yes" The god replayed with a smirk 

"It's been a while huh?"

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, Hope this chapter is ok.

I'll try to have the next chapter out as soon as possible 

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